Chapter Thirteen (Feliciano)

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Matthew and Gilbert had left about two hours after Lovi and Toni, leaving Ludwig and I alone other than the now nine dogs in the household.

Noodle got along swimmingly with Ludwig's dogs, and Ludwig told me it looked like Blackie and Noodle had become friends in particular since they'd been playing with one another in the backyard more than Noodle with any of the others.

The two hours between Lovi and Toni leaving and Matthew and Gilbert leaving was prominently spent talking about Matthew's soon-to-be service dog, where Ludwig and I both tried our best to explain the best ways to train, the best gear, and some other random information we'd picked up along the way of being service dog handlers ourselves.

That conversation had kept us occupied while Gilbert continued his own work until the two of them left, where the awkwardness began.

Now, Lud and I had spent time alone before, I mean even our first meeting had been just us, but all of those previous times had been in public and definitely not Lud's house. So for the first hour we basically danced around one another, not really sure what we should do until Ludwig offered to give me a tour since he hadn't asked yet due to being distracted by Matthew's service dog.

I accepted and thankfully, the tour seemed to fix any uncomfortableness we had previously.

The rest of the day and the day after was filled with baking, cooking, and playing with the dogs. We also did some painting after Ludwig found some supplies hidden in one of his closets and he let me listen to the first of his books on audio while we made dinner, where I immediately bought the entire series for my phone since I needed to know more, falling in love with the characters, story, and world.

Now it's the morning of my second full day, four days until Lovi and Toni return from Spain. I had woken up about two hours ago, and since then had been listening to more of Lud's book. I'm currently on chapter eleven, a little less than halfway done, and right in the middle of a fight between The Awesome Knight and a witch that has me on te edge of my seat.

Or on the edge of the bed since that's where I'm currently laying in.

It's around 7:30, or it was the last time I checked, and despite being awake, I'm still exhausted.

I'd had another nightmare last night, but thankfully Noodle had recognized it and woken me up before it could get too bad.

Logically, I know if I were to wake up from a nightmare when it was bad, Ludwig wouldn't be mad at me. I logically know he experiences the same thing and that's why he doesn't sleep, something it didn't take long to realize. I logically know I can seek him out when I'm afraid...but logically knowing it doesn't make my fear surrounding it any less.

I'd been woken up twice by Noodle, and the second time I decided to just stay awake and distract myself. Ludwig's books are definitely distracting, in the best way possible. The detailing is vivid and the story is engaging, knowing the main character is based on Gilbert just makes everything better as I get to imagine Gilbert himself going on all these amazing adventures to save people.

Ludwig told me the fifth book introduces the character based on Matthew, so I'm really excited to get to that one.

Actually, speaking of Ludwig, last night had been the first time he actually slept since I got here, which is why I'd been staying in this room since I woke up as I didn't want to risk waking Ludwig from what little sleep he gets.

However, going by the sound of the toilet flushing and a door opening, it seems like Ludwig is now awake. I decide to finish this chapter and then get up to help with breakfast, The Awesome Knight is about to defeat the witch and-

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