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Lucy's Pov

I hate this cold weather. Don't get me wrong, I love when the Fall and Winter finally makes its way to Magnolia. The wonderful colors the trees begin to show, the holiday seasons, the snow is so beautiful when it falls and settles across the land, everyone seems to be in a friendlier happier mood, but when you have an apartment that has crappy heating you tend to have a love hate relationship with the cold. I'm just glad spring is almost here. Maybe another week away. I've got my thickest pair of socks on, two sets of blankets over me, long sleeve pajamas and I'm still freezing. I just can't warm up! I turn over and curl into myself as much as I can and just hope that He will show up again like he seems to have every other night. A few minutes tick by and sure enough, *click* *squeak* *click*. I hear my window open and close and feel someone slowly and cautiously crawl up beside me, get under the covers and wrap their arms around my waist and get as close as they can. I don't have to turn over to see to know who it is... Natsu.

He's so warm and comforting. This is a typical habit of Natsu's that no matter how many times I scold him, Lucy kick him out of here, freak out on him, or even gently explain to him, he just can't seem to break it. Sigh. It was plenty annoying at first, still kinda is depending on my mood and what time he just barges in but, I've grown to just expect it and honestly kinda enjoy his presence. I've found that on those nights he doesn't sneak in before I fall asleep, I'm disappointed and bummed that he didn't. My feelings for Natsu are complicated I guess you could say. I love him as my best friend. We do everything together, between just hanging out, going on jobs, going to the guild, you name it. But, lately, I don't know, it feels like being just his best friend isn't enough. I feel like I want more, but don't want to risk telling him how I feel in case he doesn't feel the same, which I'm quite sure he doesn't, and just gets weirded out and doesn't want to be friends anymore. Not that I know a hundred percent about what it is I feel for him, I don't think he would know what it means to love someone beyond familial ties. I know he loves everyone in the guild, myself included, as family cause that's what the guild is at it's core, a family. We protect, encourage, defend, and support each other. Sure, we have arguments and disagreements, just look at Gray and Natsu? But no matter what we always have each other's backs, blood or not. 

I don't know what I'm feeling exactly for him. I know it's more than friendship for sure, but what this feeling is I couldn't say with certainty. It doesn't quite feel like it's just a crush. I guess, I'm falling for him? After all this time? I turned over and sat up to look at him. He's laying flat on his back with his right arm draped over the top of his head with his left arm still pinned underneath me from when he wrapped his arms around me before, his chest steadily and calmly rising and falling while fast asleep. The light of the moon coming through my window bathes over Natsu's chest and face and gives him this breathtaking glow. I lower myself and completely settle into the crook of his arm and lay my head and hand on his chest. I can hear his heart beat. Strong and loud. Just like Natsu's personality. I hear his soft breathing, and feel the smoothness of his bear chest. My fingers start to trace every dip and curve of his toned muscles and take it to memory. He really is a great guy. Sure he can be dense and seriously stubborn and thick headed but he has the biggest heart and genuinely cares for those he considers his family and friends and protects and defends them fiercely. And he really is seriously attractive to boot.  

I feel myself slowly start to drift back to sleep when I hear, "Um Lucy? What're you doing?" I sleepily manage a "Hmm?" with my eyes closed and realize what he might be referring to. I'm still slowly tracing his muscles on his skin. The sensation had to have woken him up. Crap! I try to play it off, "You mean this? I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was doing it. I must have been doing that in my sleep. I didn't mean to wake you up. Just go back to sleep." I turn over and hear him shifting in uncomfortable silence. I sigh, "What is it Natsu?" He stays silent before finally asking, "You're not gonna Lucy kick me out.. for being in your room? In your bed??" I can't help but smile to myself hearing the nervous excitement in his voice as he asked me this. I sigh and answer, "Natsu, I'm too tired to try and kick you out. Takes too much energy and not only that, It's freezing and you are ridiculously warm. You help me stop shivering even though I'm already under all these blankets. So to put it simply, No, I'm not kicking you out tonight. Just go to sleep." I bring the covers up to my chin and start to get comfortable when I feel Natsu's hands snake there way around my waist again and press his whole body up against mine. I feel my cheeks begin to burn red hot from the massive blush that just spread across them, when I also feel a pair of lips on my cheek. Natsu just kissed me on the cheek. Natsu just KISSED ME on the CHEEK.

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