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Natsu Pov

I wake up to, of all things, Happy snoring, and the sunlight on my face but definitely Happy's snoring. I sit up, rub my face and get out of bed to get dressed and get my teeth brushed. My mind can't help but replay what I heard and smelled last night from Lucy. The things she was saying, the sounds she was making and the scent.. oh my god that scent. It was enough to drive me over the edge.. I couldn't cool down after I left. I jumped in a cold lake and even took a cold shower when I got home. I feel my shorts tighten up again. Damn it, even just remembering everything gets it up. Sigh, guess I'm taking another cold shower. I put my brush down and turn on the shower, get undressed and step in. So cold! Jeeze. There's gotta be a better way to make this stop and go away. I peek my head out of the shower to see if Happy's awake, but right as I do, "Morning Natsu!" "Hey little buddy, sorry didn't mean to wake you up." "Oh you didn't I just now got up. Taking another shower?" "Oh, uh yea, I still feel pretty tired and I'm hoping the shower will wake me up. You wanna just meet me at the guild later?" "Works for me! I was gonna head out anyway to give Charla the fishy I caught yesterday! She's gonna love it! Bye Natsu!" He zooms out of the house before I could even reply to him.

*small lemon*

I close the curtain and wait a couple minutes to be sure Happy isn't still in the house. This shower still isn't helping. It almost hurts! I grab at myself and begin to gently stroke.. I replay everything from last night in my head. From the things Lucy said, her moans, and remembering her scent. I start to draw up a scenario in my head by filling in the blanks of her dream and try to imagine it. I have her pinned against the wall and she's staring at me with a sexy look.. yea, then she rips my vest off and pulls me in to kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me in close.. I pull away to start kissing her neck. Sucking and biting on her neck and this makes her moan. I grab her on the ass and lift her up in response and she locks her legs around my waist.. her scent hits my nose and I can't contain myself anymore. I move us to her bed and lay her down without breaking our kiss.. I burn off her shirt and bra leaving her breasts exposed for me to do what I want to with them. I squeeze them and lick her nipple, swirling circles around it and hear her moan again. This excites me. I can't hold back anymore. I burn her shorts and underwear off and enter her. Thrusting in and out. Her tugging on my hair while her other scratched my back, "Natsu, don't stop.. faster, please!" She moans between breaths. I go faster and she moans louder and endless. I'm close to my climax..

*end small lemon*

I'm finally able to release but keep the shower going to be sure I'm good. I shut the water off and step out to dry off and get dressed. I feel horrible, I mean I feel better, but I just feel... dirty, now. Imagining Lucy like that is incredibly hot don't get me wrong but she's my best friend and that would never happen. Despite my feelings for her. It was only a dream she had. It was only a dream. The thought of me never being that close to her bums me out a little though. I slap my cheeks with both hands. Snap out of it! You ARE close to her! You're best friends! That's gonna have to be good enough. Time to head to the guild!

Lucy pov

I got up early to shower and get ready for the day. I was doing what I could to shake off the dream I'd had last night. I needed to forget about it. That was something that was just never going to happen. Even though it's something I wouldn't totally mind. Natsu has no interest in stuff like that. Being his best friend is gonna have to be good enough I guess. I get dressed into something warm.. a low cut long sleeve shirt and my zip up hoodie. A pair of skinny jeans and my tall brown boots. I grab my keys and lock the door behind me before heading off to the guild. "Maybe chatting with Levy about that dream will help me with my thoughts a bit."

I pull my hoodie over my head and cross my arms across my chest to try and stay warm. It snowed over night. I'm taking my time getting to the guild, I'm not trying to run into Natsu just yet with that dream still fresh in my mind. I'm kicking small bits of snow with the tips of my boots with each step. I feel a snowflake hit my nose and I stop to look up to the sky. Seeing my breath escape to the frigid air. Why did it have to be Natsu? Why did it have to be so vivid? It just confuses my feelings even more. I really like Natsu. I really really do. But I also treasure the friendship we have... and I know that if I ever admitted my feelings to him, he wouldn't feel the same. Then there goes our friendship, our closeness because then everything from then on would just be awkward.. for the both of us. I blink myself out of my thoughts and keep walking. I'll just talk to Levy and see if she has any advise for me. I mean she and Gajeel seem super close. "Yo Lucy!" Oh no. Not now. I turn around and sure enough, Natsu. "Hhh hhey Nnnatsu" I look him up and down and even in this cold he's in his same usual vest, scarf and pants. "Aren't you coold?" He gains his toothy grin and replies, "Nope. I feel fine." "Oh by the way, next time you leave my apartment in the middle of the night, can you well 1. go through the door, and if that's not an option, 2. you close the window behind you on cold nights like last night? I woke up to my room freezing all over again." He drops his smile and suddenly looks like a child ashamed. "Oh, sorry Lucy.. I'll uh, remember to close it when I leave next time." "Jeeze Natsu it's not like I'm scolding you.. not this time anyway. Just please close it next time. I get cold easy, never mind an open window to the winter air. Come on. Let's get to the guild. I'm sure Mira can get us some hot chocolate. That sounds amazing right now." His smile returns and we start walking side by side.

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