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Natsu pov

We must have been sitting outside that room for an hour. Porlyusica eventually asked Wendy to give her a hand and she went into the room and hasn't come out. They've been so quiet the whole time. Even to my ears. The doorknob giggles open. I stand up off the bench. First Wendy walks out then Porlyusica behind her. "Well? How is she?" Erza beat me to it. "She'll be fine. She needs lots of sleep and rest. Her mind is right again but even with my power combined with Wendy's there were some areas we couldn't fully hear. But plenty of rest and sleep will take care of that. All the blockers that were in her mind have been removed. Her normal natural memories are back in full. Just be sure when she wakes up to tell her to tell you if she gets any severe headaches or dizziness. Those are signs something's going wrong. After ample rest she should be fine. Once five days pass and she has no headaches or dizziness she'll be in the clear. I'll be back in five days time to check her myself." As she tries to leave I stand in front of her. She gives me a questioning look and prepares to say something but I bow in front of her. "Thank you. Thank you for helping her." She scoffs lightly at first then pats my head. "Of course." She walks around me out of the guild. "Just remember what I said. Sleep. Rest. Very vital things she needs for the next five days without question." I walk back into the infirmary to get back into my spot next to her. 

*time skip two days*

Still Natsu pov

I've been in the infirmary with Lucy now for three days. I've not left her side. Even to eat. I just can't force myself to leave her. *knock knock* "Come in." I see Levy poke her head through and offer a small smile. "Hey. How is she?" "Still the same. No change. I'm worried." She frowns at me. "Yea, I am too." She pulls up another chair and sits next to me and lays her hand on Lucy's leg. "Porlyusica did say she was gonna need sleep and rest for the next week. Might be why she's not quite ready to wake up yet I guess." "Hey Levy.." She glances at me. "During the fight.. you told me to kiss her. To just trust you. Well I did and I did. What did that do?" She suddenly looks kinda nervous. "Well I um.. can't really.. say? I mean I can't tell you. It's something Lucy will need to tell you herself. But I can say, it's something I read about in a book about memories and the loss and return of them and how what you did plays a major roll in it. Let's just say.. it has a lot to do with your bond between the two of you. I'm sorry I know that's not a very good answer but that's all I got for you for now." She stands up and straightens her skirt out. "I'm gonna go ahead and go back out there. Update everyone on Lucy. Gajeels taking me on a job to help me take my mind off her for a little while. To try to stop worrying." She places her hand on my shoulder. "She'll be okay." I nod at her, "Thanks Levy." She heads for the door but before she reaches the door, "Levy?" She looks back at me, "Are you and Gajeel together? His scent is all over you..?" She glows a bright shade of red. "Please don't say anything. We want to say something about it in our own time. Okay?" I just grin ear to ear and laugh. "Promise me you won't say anything!" She puts her hands on her hips. "Okay okay I won't." She walks out the door closing it quietly behind her. I look at Lucy.. "You knew didn't you?" I just smile and reach for her hand and hold it in mine.

*time skip one day*

Lucy's pov

I feel myself start to wake up and squint my eyes. That intense pain I had in my head is gone. I slowly sit up and yawn. Where am I? Wait... *flashes of everything that's happened over the course of the last month flash through my mind* I remember. Everything. I take another look around the room. "This is.. the infirmary.. in Fairy Tail." I start to bring my legs to edge of the bed to get up but before my feet touch the floor I hear the door open. Natsu. He hasn't noticed I'm awake yet. He's looking down at his feet as he opens and closes the door but as he turns around he looks up and freezes. We sat there and stared at each other not saying a word. "Natsu.." He rushes me and hugs me tight. "Natsu?" "You're awake!" We stay like that without moving for a few minutes. He finally pulls away and sits in the chair in front of me. "How do you feel?" "Tired." I laugh lightly.  "Are you in any pain? Your head?" "No. I feel fine. No pain anywhere. I am really tired and feel weak to be honest though." He looks down at my legs and my feet barely touching the floor. "Were you trying to get out of bed?" "Yeaa, I was going to go find everyone. I want to see everyone. I am glad I got to see you first though." He smiles. I've missed that. "I'm sorry." "What?" "I'm sorry for what I did.. I was tryin to k.." "Stop." "Huh?" "You have nothing to apologize for. Nothing at all! You weren't you. You're memories were taken from you. That's not you're fault!" 

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