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Lucy pov

If someone doesn't eventually show up through this door to explain what in the hell is going on, I am going to lose my shit! I've been here roughly four days? And NO ONE has bothered to come in to explain anything. I only know it's been four days because on the third day, I woke up. I'd been asleep for three days.

*flash back*

I start to feel myself waking up. I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes and open them. Where am I? How did I get HERE?? I look around the dimly lit stone room not recognizing anything. A flood of panic then sets in. Wait, I remembered being thrown off the guilds roof with that guy. Ryder? Raven? I don't remember his name. All I can remember is being thrown off the building with him still gripping to me and then me screaming and then.. everything goes blank. I must have passed out. I hear a slot on the bottom of the door slide open. "Breakfast." I see the top slot at the top of the door slide open. "Oh you're awake. Good. You should eat." I fling myself from the bed in a hurry. "WAIT! PLEASE! Where am I? How did I get here? What is this place?" "I'm sorry Miss. I'm restricted from having any conversation with you as of the moment. The only thing I've been cleared to tell you is how long you've been here for if you ask." "Okay well how long have I been here??" "Three days Miss. You've been asleep this whole time. Hence why I said you should eat." And with that he closes the slot and I hear footsteps walk away from the door. Three days? I've been asleep for THREE WHOLE DAYS?? I blink myself out of my shock and try to see if the door will open. I jiggle the knob. Of course not.

*end flash back*

It's day four and still nothing. I'm tired, scared, angry, hungry but most of all sad. The guild must be so worried. And Natsu. I frown deeply at the thought of him. He must be so worried about me. Knowing him, he'll blame himself for my disappearance. I can only imagine the destruction he's causing looking for me. I softly grin at that thought. Then my stomach interrupts my thoughts. Ugh, I'm soo hungry. I'm not eating the food though. No way. I don't know if it's poisoned or laced with something. I look at the food and my stomach growls even louder. It does look good. I contemplate in my mind if it's really worth risking. Then I hear the door being unlocked and slowly open, revealing a tall, slim, older man. He wore a business like suit and tie and had dark purple hair with just as dark purple eyes. He genuinely smiles at me. "Afternoon." He begins to close the door and takes a step forward when he clips the tip of shoe against my food tray. He looks down at then looks at me and deeply sighs. "You know, you should eat. It's been quite some time since your last proper meal, has it not?" I just narrow my eyes to slits and stare at him. He sighs once more and leans down grabbing the roll from it and takes a bite of it. Then he proceeds to take one bite out of every item on the tray as well as a sip of the drink I was given. He swallows and then says, "See? Not poisoned. You may eat without fear of that. I have no use for you if you are dead." He gently lifts the tray up and sets it on the bedside table. Then grabs a chair from behind him and takes a seat.

"I imagine you have some questions for me? Involving you and your stay here?" I just nod my head. "Okay.." He then crosses his legs and laces his fingers together in his lap. "Ask away. But, please, I insist you eat." I glance at the try and cautiously take the roll. "Who are you?" "My name is Master Soren. I own and run this place." He pauses and looks at me, "I know what your next question is going to be. It's 'What IS this place?' Am I correct?" I just continue to stare him down slowly chewing on the roll but he answers as if I did answer him, "This is my dark guild's base, Dark Hakai." I swallow the little bit of food I did put in my mouth. "This is a dark guild?" "Indeed it is. And I am it's master. You may call me Master or boss. Boss seems to be the preferred term among those in my guild." "How did I get here? I know I didn't come here willingly!" He nods his head, "My most loyal and dependable disciple Lars is the one who brought you here. He's magnificent with his spacial magic. He brought you here through his portals. You fell unconscious in the process of getting here and I made it seen you stayed asleep just a little bit longer for precautionary reasons." "Precautionary reasons?" I ask him getting more and more angry. This man kidnapped me! Stole me away?! For what?? "You made the biggest mistake of your life." I set the roll down and shake my fists at my sides. "My guild mates will come looking for me. And I can guarantee they WILL find me." He just smiles at me as if I told some joke. "Oh deary, they won't be finding you, anytime soon." "That's what they all say! Then they do." I say confidently. He drops his smile and takes in a breath and sighs out loud. "I'm afraid you don't understand. They don't have a reason to go looking for you." No reason? What the hells that supposed to mean? "They have no reason because, you see deary, they believe you are dead. In fact, they're performing a funeral for you today, right now. Believing you are inside the coffin they are laying to rest."

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