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Natsu pov

Her telling me how happy she is makes me feel so good. That's all I want. Her happiness. I stop walking and yank her towards me. She braces herself with her arms on my chest and I go in to kiss her. She's surprised at first but I feel her relax into me. Her lips are sweet and soft. I want to taste more of her. I flick my tongue against her lip and she parts her lips to let me in. This is amazing. She's amazing. Her taste is addicting. We pull away and rest our foreheads together. "I'm so happy you feel the same way for me as I do for you. I was terrified you wouldn't." Really? I lift my head from hers and looked at her surprised. How could I not? "How couldn't I?" She's everything to me and more. "I don't know.. I just figured you weren't interested in love and relationships. Every girl that's ever thrown herself at you, you've brushed them away, uninterested." Well duh. It's because I wasn't interested in them. I was interested in you. Always you. "None of them were you." A hard blush dances across her face. I love seeing that. I love seeing I have that effect on her. "Aww blushing over me. Totally get why." She gently shoves me and I chuckle. "Shut up." She laughs and I take her hand in mine and we had to the guild.

We finally make it to the guild. I hope she doesn't care what the guild thinks of us being together. I want to shout it out to everyone that I'M with Lucy Heartfilia. That I'll always be with her. "Are we telling everyone?" She asks me "That we're together? Why not?" "No reason." She smiles at me and I return one to her. We open the guild doors and everyone turns to see us hand in hand. Everyone goes silent but has the biggest smiles I think I've seen them have since she first woke up from the infirmary. "LUCY IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" She face palms and sighs but laughs. "I guess that's one way to announce things." Everyone cheers and congratulates us. Rounds of drinks were ordered to celebrate the announcement. "Congratulations you two. Been a long time coming." Gramps says from the bar counter. "What do you mean?" "Oh come on man.." I hear Gray respond to me, "It was obvious for a while that you two liked each other. We just didn't say anything." We look at each other and blush but laugh. "That's why I couldn't be clear in my answer yesterday." Levy walks up to us with Gajeel close behind her. "What answer?" Lucy asks us both curiously. "Well when you were.. without your memories, I told Natsu to kiss you. His feelings for you and yours for him is what helped set your memories straight. No matter how gone your memories were, your heart will always remember the feeling for that person deep within it." She smiles. "Thank you Levy." "No problem love birds." She playfully sticks her tongue out at Lucy in response. She playfully smacks her arm but hugs her tight and both of them giggle. 

"I see you are much better child." Porlyusica had walked in. I forgot she was coming back to check on Lucy. "I am. Thank you! For everything you did for me. It means everything to me you helped my memories were all back and safe." She waves her hand. "It's part of what I can do. However, I'm not here for pleasantries. I'm here to double check your mind and be sure that everything  is fully healed as promised. Wendy, please join me." I watch as they all head to the infirmary. Thankfully they weren't in there long. They all walked back out. Lucy comes straight to me, "Well everything okay??" I ask her nervous. "All healed." She smiles. I hug her in absolute relief. "I would still advise to exercise caution for a while. You may be healed but your mind did have significant damage. Take easy jobs for the time being and no extraneous activity at least for another week." She takes her leave out of the guild. I lift Lucy up and swing her around and she giggles "Natsu, cut it out!" while maintaining a big grin on her face. We continue the party and Lucy can finally really take part in all the drinking and messing around like we usually do. The party begins to wind down as the evening hits. Lucy ended up having a few drinks and I'm going to guess is drunk. I sigh. When she drinks things get... crazy. "Lucy, how much have you had?" "A lot." She laughs, "But I'm not drunk. I'm having fun but I'm trying to take it easy too." Phew. We say our goodbye's for the night and I walk Lucy home. I get her all the way to her door and kiss her goodnight. "Lock your door and your window. I'll see you in the morning." I start to walk away but she doesn't let go of my hand.

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