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There are a wide variety of methods that players can use to get around the world. There are different types of transportation and each has different benefits and draw backs.

- Walking/Sprinting: the player is capable of walking through the environment or sprinting; however, sprinting consumes stamina.


Field Zone Transportation

- Transposing Crystals and shards: These crystals that are located all throughout the game world; dungeons and raids. Transposing crystals allow players to teleport from one area to another; they allow instantaneous movement from one area to another; however, using Transposing Crystals comes with a price. When a player teleports to another location they create a linked chain with other nearby crystals. When a player teleports to a Transposing Crystal costs the trip will cost 3 kae, and every crystal that is brought into the chain costs one more kae. Players attempting to travel long distance may find that the cost will add up. The method of transportation is very quick and is best used for short distance travels.

- Personal Vehicles and Mounts: as players complete quests, dungeons, raids, and other activities they may be rewarded with mounts or personal vehicles to move around the environment. Players may also buy mounts from certain in-game vendors. There are a wide variety of mounts. Mounts are much slower travel time than using transposing crystals but are faster than using other methods. Many mounts and vehicles have a use limit, limiting their use to a few times a day. Mounts are defined by three methods of transportation; Sea, Air, Land, or some combination of the three. Some of the rarest mounts can use all three methods. There are a select few mounts that have unlimited uses. Players can only use mounts in field zones outside of cities, towns, and villages. When a player earns a mount use of that mount is free.

- Carriages; located in outposts close to many cities, towns, and villages are carriages. This mode of transportation will carry a player from one outpost to another or a nearby city, town, or villages. This method transportation is slower than using a mount but is faster than walking or running.


City, town, and village transports:

- Crystalnet and shards: similar to Transposing Crystals is the Crystalnet; these crystals are a miniature version of the Transposing crystals that are located inside cities, towns, and villages. These crystals are places at key junctions inside cities, towns, and villages. These crystals together with the main Transposing Crystal form a network that allows for players to travel quickly from one major location to another. Use of Crystalnet inside cities, towns, and villages are free.

- Ferries, Airships, and Trains: When traveling from one urban area to another, players can choose to take Ferries, Airships, and Trains. All three of these methods are slower than using a Transposing crystal but are less costly. There are some areas in the game world that are only accessible by using one of these methods or by riding a mount. The price of using one of these methods of transportation is cheaper than using Transposing Crystals long distance and are faster than using a mount or vehicle.

+ Ferries: Using ferries is reliable method for getting from coastal areas or to isolated islands.

+ Airships: Using Airships are a reliable method for getting to major cities but are the most expense and the fastest of the three methods.

+ Trains/Subways: using train and subways are reliable methods for getting to and around major cities. Travel between major cities is more expensive than traveling within a city.

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