Chapter 13 (The Pearl of Kindness)

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Soon everyone has calmed down and started traveling through the forest to look for the Waterfall of Sadness. 

As they make they way closer they hear beautiful singing. Everyone paused as Yami’s body tensed up.

“Sirens...well we know we are close.” Yugi whispers. “We have to ignore their song. Don’t look at them and don’t even acknowledge them.” Yugi said softly. 

“Acknowledge whom?” Came the soft whisper as a water fairy appears. Her little wings fluttering like water droplets on her back. 

Yugi sighs in relief. “We thought you were a siren. Who are you?” Yugi asks. 

The little fairy smiled. “My name is Misty Stone. And don't worry those songs are other water fairy's imitating the sirens's to keep predators away from our nests.”

Yugi smiled and gave a slight bow. “Hello Misty Stone. My name is Yugi.” Yugi said politely. His prince manners in show. 

“Oh the prince of light what brings you to our lovely pond meadow?”

Yugi stands up. “We are going to the Waterfall of Sadness. Could you point us in the direction?” 

Misty Stone was silent for a moment. “You seek the Pearl of kindness I presume? Well I can show you where it is. My older sister is the guide to the pearl..

Yugi’s eyes widen. “Really? Do you know what the challenges are?” Yugi asks. Misty thinks a moment. 

“I only know the first one. My sister says the other two are too graphic for one like me. The first one is to find a special shell. It must be blue as the sky, soft as the sea grass and it sparkles like the sun.

Yugi looks at Misty. “So we have to swim in the water?” Yugi asks. At the mention of water Yami's posture becoming one of discomfort.

Misty nods lightly. “Yes. However for those who can't swim or who don't like water we have a special air bubble made from magic.”

Yugi frowns. “It all depends. How many travelers are aloud on the quest?” “There needs to be at least three or four. As the trials required two teams to complete.

Yugi thinks. “Okay...Ryou and I can be a team...and Heba and Ami.” Yugi said. “I don’t like water but I’m a great swimmer. My power can keep us from having sad thoughts.” 

Misty nods as she guided them past the fairy nests. All around little water fairies swam and played as their wings had a special watertight coating. 

Yugi smiles at the sight. To him this was paradise for water fairies. No one would ever go to the Waterfall of Sadness so they wouldn’t be disturbed. 

“It's nice to have visitors. We use to have human children come and play all the time ...they were so sweet and they would make us beautiful fairy houses ...sadly when humans were band...we lost our dear friends…” Two tiny tears fell from the little fairy's eyes.

Yugi looks at Misty. “Don’t worry Misty. I am working on bringing Humans back to our world.” 

Misty looked up and her wings flutter happily. “Oh thank you Light Prince. There is one boy in particular I wish to see again. His name is Ashton….he was my best friend.”

Yugi smiles. “I will do my best to make everyone happy.” Misty thinks for a moment. “But don't forget your own happiness too my Prince.” She said softly.

Yugi shrugs it over as they came up to the Waterfall. 

“Here it is ...from what my sister told me… this challenge forces you to confront your hearts deepest sadness ...most people never recover and are left to spend their lonely days in depression ...I do hope that you don't have that fate ...and what's wrong with your friend? He seems nervous.”

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