Chapter 6 - Arjun

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After the conflict between the two of them Arjun decided to take a stroll through the park. He tried to clear his mind. He knew he was failing at being a husband by not making time for her like he used to. But Arjun had just too much work to do. Aashi had to understand whatever he did, the bad or good, he did it for her sake. Arjun was prepared for the worst. His marriage was falling apart and he was afraid. He could not possibly loose her. Aashi was the most precious person to him. Without her Arjun could not live.

Ten minutes later Arjun sat down and thought about the fight. Although he did not show it, he was very hurt by her accusations. He could never do anything that would hurt her. Arjun loved her too much for that. He did not realise someone sat down next to him. It was Elina to his surprise. She greeted him with a hug. "Hi boss." She said with her sweet smile. "Hi Elina, quite a nice surprise to meet you here." Arjun said trying to return the smile. "Ditto, what are you doing here all alone?" Elina asked curiously. He looked down. "Nothing, just a walk through the park." "Are you sure? Seems like you've got something on your mind!" She continued. "It's nothing really." He reassured her. "How come I don't believe you then? I have an idea, why don't you come over to me and we'll spend some time together to get things off your mind?" She insisted. "I don't think that's an good idea.." he urged. Arjun thought it would be better to go home and apologise to Aashi. "Come on, what's wrong with a friend cheering up a friend?" Elina asked. He eventually gave in and went home with her.

Arriving at Elina's place she demanded that he tell her what's wrong. Arjun did not know why, but he decided to fill her in. Not letting him know Elina was quite happy about the conflict between them. She thought this was her time to shine. "You know, I might not know you as long as she does, but she is not worth it, if she accuses you of such things.." she told him trying to be as innocent as an angel. "I just don't know anymore, my marriage is falling apart and I'm the reason why." He sighed. Elina tried to comfort him. "It will be alright I'm sure!" She explained to him. After a while she offered him a drink. Due to the pain he felt, he needed something strong. "Well I've got cognac?" She said unsure. "That should do it." He said sadly.

It did not take him long to finish the whole bottle, by now he was drunk. "Maybe you should call your wife and tell her you're not coming home tonight." Elina said quite amused. Arjun agreed. He did not want her to worry about him.

"Arjun?" Her voice said from the other end of the line.

"Hi Aaaashhiii, I called to tellll youuuuu to sleep andddd not wait up fooooorrr me" his words slurred because he was drunk.

"Come home Arjun, this isn't safe"

"Noooo nothinggg is unsafeee about anythinggg" Arjun wasn't making much sense.

"Tell me where you are and I'll come and get you" Aashi demanded.

Elina came in with the whisky he wanted. Although Arjun was drunk enough she did not decline him to have some more.
"Arjun come on have your whisky"
He hung up the phone without saying goodbye.
"Thank youu." He babbled. Elina sat down next to him. She had the nerve to say "Arjun you deserve better, maybe Aashi is no good."

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