Chapter 11 - Aashi

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She didn't even want to pack anything - she wanted nothing from this house! Nothing from him. He had betrayed her and didn't even have the decency to admit it and try to gain forgiveness. She ran outside with her phone and keys in hand and refused to look back. She got into her car and accelerated hard. Aashi didn't know what she wanted anymore. The person she considered her companion had broken her heart - not just broken it, she felt as if he had reached inside her and crumbled it up.
Tears were falling uncontrollably and she could barely see where she was going. Where was she going? She could do to Divya's house - but she didn't want to see anyone. She wanted to be a lone and cry her heart out without anyone seeing her. As someone who didn't cry often and especially not in front of others, this was hard for her. She hoped that no one in the cars around her would notice. She hated looking weak. She was already branded as the simple house wife of the great Arjun Sharma - she didn't want to appear to be some placid pathetic one! What no one knew about her was that before meeting Arjun, Aashi was in college studying to become an engineer. She had left her studies to marry him. He had insisted that she didn't have to work a day in her life and that he would give her the ultimate comfort she deserved. She was stupid and young - she lacked not book smarts but social intelligence. She had regretted her decision for years. She hated being so dependent and useless in their family. These thoughts rushed into her mind and she cried harder. Now she didn't have any money, or a home or even a job to keep going!

"Aashi you stupid stupid idiot" she cursed at herself in frustration.

The wind was blowing heavily outside and she was trying to keep her car from swerving. Small rain droplets splattered her windscreen and she cursed again. Not only was she crying, now it was raining. She couldn't see anything. But she didn't care. A sense of reckless anger filled her up. Who would care anyway if anything happened to her? She drove faster.

Her phone started to ring and she saw the name Arjun flashing across the screen. Screw him! The phone stopped ringing a moment later and a voice message alert displayed on screen. She grabbed it and pressed to listen to it on speaker.

"Aashi where did you? Please come home so we can talk about this. I swear to you, I didn't cheat on you - I would never. Please come back or at least let me know you're safe"

She laughed bitterly and threw her phone on the passenger seat. It started ringing again. She couldn't help it - she picked up the phone and looked. Divya. As Aashi took her hand off the steering wheel to answer the call she didn't notice her car swerving onto the opposite side of the road into an oncoming car.

Everything turned black and then what felt like minutes later she heard panicked voices talking around her.

"She's losing blood - give her 150cc now"

Was she at a hospital? How did she get here?

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