Chapter 25 - Aashi/Arjun

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Aashi walked as fast as she could toward Prem's car parked outside the gates. She didn't, couldn't bear to look back at Arjun. She could barely breathe.
"Aashi, I'm giving up the company" Arjun called out. He had decided this awhile ago and was hoping to finish off the final projects they were doing. He didn't want this company anymore if he didn't have Aashi with him. Who was he working for without her? His entire aim had been to provide her with a good life. As much as he loved his work, he didn't want it without her.
Aashi stopped hearing this. What? How could he? The company, the business was his life. She turned around to face him, unable to resist. "You can't"

"I don't want any of it without you" he said stepping outside the door and walking toward her.

"You have a baby to think about" she said the thought piercing at her heart.

He didn't know what to say to this. He knew this baby wasn't his. But how could he make Aashi believe this?

"Anyway, sign those papers and post them when you can" she said turning to leave again. She couldn't do this. The thought of him having a baby with someone else killed her inside repeatedly.

"We will do a paternity test! Aashi this baby isn't mine" Arjun followed Aashi a short distance. His heart kept on telling him to fight for her - to not let her go this time.

"It's too late Arjun, I haven't been happy with you for a long time. And those photos with Elina and the night you spent with her was humiliating enough for me. I can't face society anymore because of you." She said not turning back toward him. Her heart ached thinking about all that had happened. This had to be the right decision. She hadn't been happy and then he had gone and cheated!!

"Aashi I'm sorry, I know I was letting work get in the way of our relationship. But I swear I didn't do anything with Elina" Arjun placed his hand on her shoulder. "Please believe me. I would never do that to you."

"Arjun the whole country has seen what you did. What will they say if I returned to you? I don't want to be some weak helpless placid woman in anyone's eyes." A tear broke free as she said this. She felt helpless anyway regardless of the strength she wanted to show the world.

"What's he doing here?" Arjun suddenly said looking toward the gates. Prem had come out of the car and was walking toward them.

"I came with him" Aashi said her voice barely audible.

"I don't understand why you trust him! He's not a good guy" Arjun felt his frustration and anger rising at the sight of him getting closer and closer.

"You don't know anything about him! He treats me better than you do!" Aashi wanted to hurt Arjun the way he had hurt her. But she felt simultaneous pain as these words escaped her mouth. Wow hurting him really hurt her and gave absolutely no satisfaction.

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