Chapter 10 - Aashi/Arjun

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Aashi could not believe her eyes.
She felt dizzy. Everything seemed like a bad dream. She did not want to believe Arjun was capable of doing something like this to her. But now since it was even aired on tv it had to be true. Aashi felt how tears were forming in her eyes and slowly falling down.

"I will call you back Di.."
Aashi said with a cracking voice. She hung up the phone call. She did not have the strength to talk to her friend right now. Eventually Sadness formed into anger. She wanted to confront him. Never had she been so humiliated before. What would the others think about her cheating husband?

Angrily she stormed into their bedroom. That was it. He had crossed a line. Aashi did not know how to cope with this situation. Thousands of thoughts crossed her mind. She felt angry and disappointed. Aashi gave so much for this marriage and what did he do? Hopped into bed with the next best hussy crossing his way. This time she did not mind crying in front of him, because Aashi wanted him to feel guilty and regret it. She doubted this marriage would work after this incident.

She stormed into the bedroom totally shocking Arjun who as finishing off some paperwork.
"What happened?"
He asked concerned referring to her tears.
"You cheated! How could you do this to me! After all we have been through! Is this the thanks for all I have done? You disgusting pig!"
She screamed at the top of her lungs. Arjun was visibly confused. Out of all things he would do, cheating was not something he would do. He could never cheat on the woman he loved and cherished the most.
"I did not do such thing! How dare you to accuse me of something like this!" He snapped.
"I would never cheat on you and you know that." Arjun added.
"I love you for God's sake."
Arjun was frustrated at this point. He could not understand where she got this idiotic idea from.
Aashi could not believe he was keep denying the obvious.
For the first time ever she felt hate towards someone.
If she could she would rip out his guts.
"I thought so too, but not after what I have seen!" She hissed.
"But what did I do?" He cried out.
"Stop playing innocent!" Aashi yelled.
Arjun did not know what to do.
There was nothing that could improve this situation.

Aashi had enough, once and for all.
She decided to get out of there.
This house was like living hell for her.
She drastically grabbed her suitcase and started packing few clothing items and some essentials.
"Where are you going? Aashi please can't we talk about this, I have no idea what you're talking about!" He said trying to stop her from leaving.
"Don't touch me! Go to your beloved Elina!" Aashi rebuked.
Arjun had no clue what she was talking about.
"What does Elina have to do with all this?" He asked.
"I can't believe you! Arjun you disgust me, I never want to see you again!"
She said while tears streaming down her face. She practically ran out of that house.

Arjun felt completely shocked and confused. He planted down his body on their bed and tried to take in what just had happened. He put his head in his hands and let the tears fall. Did he loose Aashi forever?

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