Chapter 26 - Elina/Arjun

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Finally, today was the day he could prove that Elina's baby was not his.
Although he knew there was no way this baby could be his, he still hoped it was not his. Arjun insisted on doing a paternity test. At first Elina was not willing to do one, but after Arjun begged her she agreed to do it.
This was his last chance to prove his loyalty towards Aashi.
Arjun drove to pick up Elina and quickly after they headed to the hospital.

Some while later they were called in.
Various of little tests were done.
Arjun was getting quite nervous.
He walked up and down the halls of the hospital. The hour of truth had arrived.
The doctor walked into the room.
Silence. Arjun's heart felt like it stopped. Unable to breath, patiently waiting for the doctor's results.
"Ms. Anand, in some cases women experience pregnancy symptoms, while not being pregnant, I'm sorry to say, but this was a false pregnancy alarm, which means there is no need to check for the father, because there is no baby." The doctor explained. He quickly excused himself and left for his next patient.

Arjun was hit by a wave of emotions.
Mostly he was enlightened. There was no baby! He had to run to Aashi and tell her! But first he had to confront Elina.
"So why did you lie to me about this?" Arjun asked her angrily.
"You heard the doctor, false alarm!" She said rolling her eyes.
Her whole plan blew up by his demand.
She should have never agreed on coming here in the first place.
Elina did not know what to do so she just ran outside.
"Wait Elina, your bag!" Arjun tried to yell after her, but it was too late, she was long gone. Arjun did not go after her, he had to find Aashi.
He called her a couple of times, but no use, she did not answer.
The only place he assumed she could he at was Prem's place.

No matter how much Arjun despised seeing Prem's face, he had to face him in order to win back Aashi.
Arjun drove as fast as he could to his home almost crashing into another car.
He safely arrived and hurriedly rushed over to the door and rang the ball like a lunatic. Luckily Aashi opened the door.
She was surprised to meet him there.

"What are you doing here?" She asked confused.
"Aashi I told you I'm not the father! Elina lied! It was a false alarm! Turns out she was never pregnant!" He mumbled out of breath.
"That I should believe?"she said quite unsure.
Arjun was hurt, what else did he have to do gain back her trust?
"Yes I'm telling you the truth!"
"Maybe she's not pregnant, but that will never change the fact that you slept with her." She sighed.
"I did not Aashi, why won't you believe me?" He asked frustrated.
Arjun really did not know what to do anymore.
"Arjun, please just sign the papers and send them to me, I don't want to keep argue over the same topic." She said.
Aashi was equally hurt. She was done, she just wanted to get over all this.
"What if I don't want to sign these papers?" He said.
"Arjun, please I don't want to keep arguing, you would just postpone the whole process."
"Well I'm going to risk that!" He said and left.

He did not know, but somehow he had to do something so Aashi would change her mind. Arjun drove back home.
In the car he noticed Elina's bag. He was too tired to drive and give it to her, but honestly she was the last person he wanted to see, so he was going to postpone that as well.
Suddenly Elina's phone started to ring, she was receiving a lot of messages.
Usually Arjun was not the person to sneak around in other peoples business, but he could not help it.
He opened her phone to see something totally shocking..

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