10. Mrs. Clarke

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(mrs clarke)

     "So, you don't age?" Catherina who was currently in the middle of her meditation routine had jumped in fright at the sudden voice that filled the air

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     "So, you don't age?" Catherina who was currently in the middle of her meditation routine had jumped in fright at the sudden voice that filled the air. The young mother turned and a smile formed on her face as she slowly stood up dusting off her clothing.

            "Well, no, not since I've become a witch against my will" She explained to her older brother who had been trying to find the right moment to just talk with his little sister.

It has hardly been a few weeks since the reunion, but the timing of just speaking with each other had been delayed. Mainly because Catherina had been the person of interest for most of the guest and his family.

So, her time was usually spent entertaining them and answering questions about her abilities or lifestyle. Along the way, she had also gotten to meet the remainder of the Quileute's that were voluntarily helping the possible upcoming war. Her time was evenly disputed within everyone but her older brother—which she had done on purpose.

She was afraid to get to know who he was because her image of her older brother might change drastically. She knew they were completely different people now, but she wanted to be selfish and concede into being oblivious that they were the same.

However, she knew that delaying the inevitable was impossible.

"How did it happen?" Carlisle sat on the porch bench inviting his sister as well, who gladly took it joining him.

"Well..." She turned up to him and gave a sad smile," It was honestly, my fault we got into what we did"

"We? As in you and Thornton?" Catherina nodded as she took a breath before preparing herself to tell what had happened," Do you remember, Mrs Clarke?"

Carlisle had looked at her for a moment and tried to dig deep into his memories, but it was a challenge considering most of his life as a human was vague—if it was not Catherina or their father, it was completely wiped from his mind.

"She was the elderly woman that often took care of us whenever father left home"

Carlisle raised a hand to his head lightly scratching it still not remembering the elder woman. His sister had smiled reaching over and turned his hand. She ran one of her fingers on the lines in his palms.

"Whenever things get so hard, you do this as a way. Let this guide you in a way, to know that you're okay. Count it easy, from one to ten and it will all go away" Catherina chanted the words as she guided her finger in his hands.

Carlisle's eyes widened at the words and a small airy laugh filled the air. The memory of the unusual but accommodating 'charm' that the elderly woman known as Georgina Clarke had taught them. The elderly woman who often made them tea and biscuits whenever their father was off to work. The elderly woman who always gave the oddest advice, that somehow been one of the main reasons he was able to go through his transition.

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