Going into the jungle

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Producers: okay Charlotte, it's time! If you could please go and wait for the car you will be taken to the beginning of your jungle journey!

Charlotte: that's great thank you!

Charlottes POV

"That's great thank you!" I say to producer man John, I step outside the building as the Australian air hit me. I take a big breath and get into the car which was waiting for me.

It's been about 20 mins and I'm just about to go onto this crazy speed boat, honestly I can not wait to get on it. "Okay Charlotte we are ready for you" I hear a voice and so I go to the boat where this kind gentleman helped me in. I know it's kind of silly but when we started speeding off, I felt like I was in a movie, my hair flying back in the wind, amazing! I keep squeeling with excitement. It was about 5 mins on the boat until I could see some people waving in the distance, OH MY GOODNESS!! THEY ARE MY CAMP MATES !! I can't really see who it is...wait is that...no it can't be....Caitlyn Jenner?! omg omg omg I'm going to cry! As soon as the boat pulled up, I jumped out of the speed boat and make my way to the people. As I was waking this guy was non stop staring at me, like really weird but not gunna lie..he's very cute...

"Hiiii!" I say "hello, I'm Caitlyn!" She says "I know who you are silly" I say while we both laugh "and you are?" I say to the boy who was eyeing me up "uhh..Roman...Roman Kemp" he stutters "nice to meet you Roman, Roman Kemp" I say trying to make a joke and we all start giggling until we hear the sounds of a boat engine, "omg that's Adele Roberts!" Roman says "yesss it isss!!" I scream, "I watched her on big brother" I tell Caitlyn and explain to her what the show was as she is from America. I couldn't wait to ask her about Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner and... and ....and ....and everyone else, sorry I'm fangirling.

~time skip~ hehe

So right now the other 5 celebrities are on this huge yacht and they have to swim to us, the first person here gets to chose anyone from the other group and you end up in pairs.

This is the order:
Myles and Roman
James and Caitlyn
Nadine and Adele
Ian and Charlotte
Kate and Andrew

After we get put into our groups ant and dec put us into two teams.

Team 1:
Myles and Roman
Kate and Andrew
Ian and Charlotte

Team 2:
James and Caitlyn
Nadine and Adele

(Keep update for when the next part comes out)

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