Part 2 Arriving in the jungle

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"Okay so you have been split up onto two teams" Declan says in his very Geordie accent, "now can team one please head over to the chopper over there, and team two that helicopter over there" Ant points out.

Charlotte POV

So I'm in a pair with Ian wright, yes Ian bloody Wright! What the hell is going on, so basically I'm walking to this huge helicopter where It's going to take us somewhere. I'm generally super frightened of heights so I'm hoping this will be okay. I get to the helicopter but the step was too high so Ian had to help me up. When we got into the helicopter I sat in-between Ian and Roman, I could feel the helicopter starting to vibrate then I look down to see that we have taken off. I start shaking because I don't like heights so Roman takes a hold my hand and uses his thumb to rub circles on my hand to calm me down. "It's okay Charlotte" he shouts to me over the noise of the engine, as it turns I grab his hand tighter making my knuckles turn white. "Deep breaths" Roman says while letting go of my hand, "don't let go of my hand!" I scream. So he quickly intertwine his fingers with mine "It's okay sweetheart" he looks me in my eyes and smiles.

~Time skip to landingggg~

(I'm not going to write about what the other team did as in the sky diving thing)

As I got off the helicopter I looked around at where I was. I was on top of one of the tallest buildings in Australia I was petrified not knowing what I had to do, then I saw it. The two planks which went out over the side of the building, I saw a ladder going down to another platform which had a buzzer on it. Roman and Myles went first they got all strapped up and it was extremely windy you can literally see the beams shaking, when they started going down along the beam I could see the boys shaking as it was so windy. As they got to the first obstacle it was a piece of floor which moved (I can't remember what it is called) after that was the second obstacle for this one and there were two strings/wires which you could hold onto to get over the obstacles. The obstacle was two beams going along and he had to go over it because it had a hole in the middle which went straight down all the way to the floor. After that they carefully had to turn around and climb down the ladder, once they had done this they had to wait at the bottom in the yellow section without holding onto anything they had to wait... And wait... Until the light on a button turned green and when it did turn green they had to press it with their foot.

After Roman it was my go, as I got down past the first two obstacles I got the ladder when I got to the ladder it started shaking really badly because the wind was extremely strong I felt like I was going to fall off. I managed to get down the ladder and the hardest bit was to stay in the yellow section without holding onto anything but I managed to do it. Ian's buzzer turned green first, after what felt like forever mine finally turned green. After it turned green we had to go back up the whole team and get back up to the safe place (The top of the building).

After all that it was Kate and Andrews turn, they smashed it.

Then it was time to find the results, "okay so well done to everyone. That's been the windiest beam trial ever" Dec says (I can't remember the exact times) "but the results are in..Kate and Andrew you got 8.34 seconds" Ant says while everybody applauded, "Charlotte and Ian your time was 5.4 seconds!" Everyone claps and then it was roman and Myles scores "and Roman and Myles your time was 3.4 seconds! Well done you are today's power pair to you will be going to the good camp snake rock!" Dec announces.

I immediately turned and looked at Roman, I've only just got here and I have made a friend who I don't wanna lose "Roman" I whisper under my breath "I'm sorry" he mouths to me. He blows a kisses too me and I grab them and pull them to my chest, I over dramatically pull a sad face making my bottom lip tremble. I run over and jump into his arms and hug him so tightly. "I'm going to miss you" Roman says . "Don't gooooo" I whine like a small child in his ear "be strong little bee" I laugh at his silly nickname and wave him off and say bye to the other campmates too.

(Keep up to date and make sure you don't miss the next part! Love you guys XX)

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