Part 4

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"BOTH OF YOU!" Ant said, we will see you at the trail in a bit.

Thank god I'm not doing it, like I dunno if I could do this first bush tucker trail of the season. And plus it would put a lot of pressure on me.

"Awe Caitlynnnnn" I run over to both of them and give them a hug, "you will smash it. I know you will" said James.

"Love you both!" I Shout as they leave the camp...what to do now... "Jamesssssss" I say, he waves to me as to say yes what do you want "can you come and entertain meeeeee" I say in a childish tone "with what Charlotte, we have nothing" he says in a disappointing voice, "OH I KNOW!!" I shout "Ian ummmmm andddd James come here with your water bottles" I say to them as they are Intrigued to what I was about to do. "So boys, put your water bottles on your belt. When I drop my hat as soon as it touches the floor the first person to take out of the water bottle unscrew the lid and take a sip wins! Got it?" I explain. "Yes mum" James roles his eyes playfully.

Yeah me and James get on really well, he reminds me of my older brother at home.

"Ready! Set! G- ah I didn't say go....GO!" The boys grab their bottles and tried to screw the lid off but as soon as James got his water bottle out, Ian had already won.

~~~~~times skip brought to you by my lazy ass~~~~~

"Is that them?!" Andrew asks while pointing At the bush in the distance, "oh my goodness I think it is them" I say hoping they brought back food " what did you get" I asked (I can't remember exactly how many they did win but eh) "5 stars" Kate says disappointed, I run up and hug her and say your did well and not to worry about it. "I just wanted to get enough stars" she says on the edge of crying. James comes down holding a note "guys! I have a note! Celebrities, as a result of Kate and Caitlyn winning 5 stars in today's challenge you will not be eating and giving your 5 stars to main camp." The group goes dead silent and Ian started pacing around the camp so I decide to take him away from the situation, "Ian come here" I say waving him over to follow me, I walk down to the creek where there is a nice little stream. I find it really peaceful down there "hey you alright now?" I ask "ah just a bit stressed, but mostly hangry" he replies, "nah don't worry bout it, I think everyone is" then I just take a minute to take in everything which is surrounding me. "Ready yo head back up?" Ian asks me "I will catch up in a bit, I'm just going to take a min"

(Sorry it's short but you know it's 9:00 pm and you know what that means!!!!!!)

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