Part 5

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(Some of this is NOT in the programme and I have made it up to make the story line work better, and personally I think it's better)
I take a deep breath in and relax as the sun hit my face making me smile, I decided to get up and I took of my boots and my belt. I then started to dance, my arms softly swaying in the air and my legs did this little wiggle intime to my hums to a tune in my head. Most people don't know this but I can kind of sing too so I decided to start singing dancing queen by ABBA. God I love that song. Just as I hit the high not I hear a clap coming from somewhere, "fuck! Who heard that" I was looking around trying to see who it was "it's me!" I hear a shout "over hear silly" I look over the stream to see another bit of land further away, no it can't be... "MYLES!!" I scream and try to get to him but I couldn't.

"Heyyyy" he waves, god he looked good with his shirt off. "How did you get here!!" I ask "I dunno I guess we share the same creak, but we can't tell anyone that we know that the other camp is over there okay? Just our little thing?" He says softly "okay..give roman a hug for me, and our little secret" I smile and blow him a kiss and I wander back to camp.

"Hey char where have you been?" Andrew asks "just chilling out by the creek, why?" I respond with "nah it's just because I heard a few voices" I giggle at thought of me singing "I was singing" I whisper while going redder by the second. "Huh? What did you say?" He says, "she was singing, haha" James laughs "oi pack it in both of you, her singing is amazing" Caitlyn states while starting to clap until the whole camp is clapping at my singing. "Haha it's nothing honestly guys stop" I say while going an even darker red.

(So basically I'm kind of getting bored writing about the bad camp and stuff so should I just do a major time skip or a few more with the creek where Charlotte sees Myles? Please let me knowwwww ty💗🥺)

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