Part 7

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"HEYYY BITCHESSSSS" I shout as I enter the main camp and as soon as in get in I'm greeted by a huge hug "Roman I can't breathe...." I say "sorry babe" he says while holding on to me, "come let's get you a hammock" he holds my hand as I settle all my things down onto and around my new bed. "Let me to say hello to the others okay" I say while letting go of his hand, "mylooooo" I say while I wraps my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waste. In the corner of my eye I can see roman getting jealous so I decide to let go of Myles and sit down next to nadine while the rest of the camp were greeting the others. "You okay doll?" She says to me, "yeah I guess" I sigh "come sweetheart" she holds my hand softly and takes me to the tree house which is away from the camp, "now tell me, what's up?" She rubs my arm "I just don't know" I said as warm tears rolled down my cheeks "I started flirting with roman, now I think that there is something there. Don't get me wrong! There is and he is a lovely guy" I look nadine in the eyes for her to pull me in to a tight hug "I need to tell you something...." she says not wanted to say it "oh no..what is it?" I say scaredy "Roman, has a girlfriend" she says with disgust in her eyes.

There was silence

"ACTUAL DICK HEAD!" I shout, I run to the creak where I bump into Myles and we both fall into the deep part of the pool, as I fall in I hit my head onto a rock and become unconscious. I...I don't remember the rest.

Myles POV

I heard a scream coming from the tree house, Charlotte comes running towards me and next thing you know I'm in the water. I rise to the surface for air and then look around to find Charlotte not there, I see this body underneath the water sinking


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