Rush Of The Day/ Tucker's Epilouge

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It's been almost a week since I fucked Axel, and I'm really enjoying to accompany him for the whole month at his place. It only been me and him lately. We had many conversation about our self and some similar kinks we like. His favorites were blindfolding and tied to the bed. I enjoy that, too! I know that our relationship finally expanded, but I just wish we had this sooner. I've always care for him a lot since our childhood days. And I enjoy getting a blowjob from him, too.

Today, at that same week, Axel had to go deliver something to Ashley. She left her backpack in the room where she sleep that time. After he went to pick it up, I offered him for a ride and he refused. He said he wanted to stretch his legs for kneeling down too much. He also said something else, but I did it listen well since he's on a hurry. He left while I stayed home. 10 minutes later, I decide to clean a bit from my surrounding till I hear knocking on the door. I thought to my self of how quick Axel was. Ashley home is about 20 away...there's no way that could be Axel. The door was being knocked again. "AXEL, IM HERE TO DROP OFF AMY AND SAM!" A lady shouted. I wasn't sure who it was, but it did sounded familiar. I opened the door and checked. It was Axel's mom, and his little sisters. "Oh hey Tucker" Axel's mom said. "Is Axel home? I wanna talk to him before I leave for work." "No ma'am. He left to drop off something to his friend, but he will be back quick." I said. I see Amy stuck to her phone, and Sam was looking pretty tired. "Well anyways, can you take care of them till Axel comes back? I'm kinda in a hurry for work." She said in a rushed tone. "Oh it's fine. I'll take them before you get late, ma'am." I said kindly. Amy and Sam hugged their mom before she left for work.

"Good bye Amy, good bye Sam." She said making her way to her car. As they both walked in to the condo, they sat down on the couch. "When is Axel coming?" Sam said sleepily. I wasn't sure either when, so I shrugged at her. "He's on his way, idiot. He just texted that he's heading first to the store to get more food for us all." Said Amy to Sam. Sam look at her with. "S-shut up! How was I suppose to!" Sam yelled. "Maybe next time text him through your phone." Amy retaliated. I try to calm them down, but they kept fight. I am not meant for babysitting these two.

It's been 20 minutes since Axel's mom left and these two fighting over the TV remote. One wants to see cartoons while the other wants to see a documentary's. Stressfully, I sat down at the kitchen table waiting. There door opened and Axel finally came back. "AXEL!" Amy and Sam shouted as they run to him and giving him a hug. "Hi my little sisters. How are you both." He said. I almost blushed of how childish he said towards them. Makes me wanna go and hug them out, too. Axel looked at me confused or staring, but then he smiled. "Is someone left out of the moment?" He said childish to me. "No! I'm just...admiring the view." I said weirdly. "You pervert! You were looking at us." Amy said. Axel and I looked shocked on what she said. "N-no I'm not a pervert. I'm not!" I said. "Hey! Don't say that to Tucker!" Axel smacked Amy's head. "Be more respectful to him!" I was amazed how Axel defended me. "Now go apologize to him, and make it discreetly." Amy felt bad for what she said, so she did was she was told. After apologizing, she left back to the living room and sat down. I was kinda worried for her. It wasn't her fault that she assumed I was mentioning it pervertedly. "Well it's time for lunch!" Axle said happily.

"What do you want for lunch guys?" Axel said making his way around the kitchen. "Hmm... I'm not sure. What do you think Amy?" Said Sam. "What about.....*gasp*" Amy looked at Sam with a huge grin. For some reason I feel like they know what they want. "YOUR FAMOUS SANDWICHES" They both yell. I was confused. Sandwiches from Axel? Axel chuckled of how I was thinking too much. "What's wrong? You've never tasted my sandwiches?" He said while roasting some bread. "Dude, you gotta try his sandwiches. They are the best." Sam said. "His sandwiches will make your mouth exploded." Exaggerated Amy. I didn't believe him.... well maybe. I haven't try any of his hand made meal.

After he served sandwiches to his sister, he told me. "Hey, do you want to try one? I mean... I have one more." I smiled at him. "Fine. I'll take one." As he passed me one, he smiled with a devilishly. I wasn't sure why, but I ignored. Taking a bite to it, I tasted something familiar, and disgusting. "Do you like it?" He asked me. "I'm not sure. There something I don't lik-." He closes my mouth and whispered in my ear. "You had it 5 days ago" I paused on what he said, but still, I don't understand. He pulled my ear again and whispered. "It's been in your mouth before".......again... I don't remember. And then he pulled my ear harder, which hurt, and whispered. "It's my cum." I stoped chewing. I coughed and try not to make a scene. "You put that on all our sandwiches!" Amy and Sam looked shock. "What did he put!" Amy yelled. Axel quickly responded. "Mustard!..... I put mustard on all our sandwiches." Amy looked suspicious at him, but shrugged and kept eating. I stood up from and went upstairs pulling Axel with me. "Sorry girls, I have something to talk to Axel. Oh, and don't bother us." I said. "Wait what are we suppose to do while you guys are gone!?" Sam said. "Just play games!, bye" I slammed the door behind us.

Locking the door behind me, I pushed Axel to the bed making him fall. "I can't handle this." I unbutton my pants. "What! We're doing this right now!" He yelled. "Yes" I said while pulling down my pants. "And I know you've been asking for it." After taking them off and showing my hard cock to his face, I reached in and give him a deep kiss. "You know me too well. I've been waiting for this." "I know, but I been waiting more for this." I grabbed him by the head and shoved him all in to my cock. "Hey, it's fine if we try something new?" He mumbled and gave a thumbs up, which meant it was ok. "Ok, cause I'll be skull fucking you, and we are going more than 2 rounds down your throat and your ass."After I push and pulled his head over and over, his  tongue  was already wrapped around my dick. I was starting to get close, and I know where to shoot it in. "Deep breath, my dear" I warned him. Pushing his head down to my knot, I struggled to get stuck in his mouth. His eyes started to tear, and I worried. I pushed him out and asked. "Was I hurting you! Please tell me!" "I'm fine, Tucker. It's just that you gotten bigger than the last time you knotted my mouth, which is not a bad thing in my opinion." I smiled or what he said. "Alright then, back you go. I want to tie you with a bigger knot" I pulled his head back to my cock and pushed with more force o than before. His eyes started to tear up, but I really want to tie him again. "I'm getting close, but your mouth won't fit!" I kept grunting for struggling with his small mouth. "IM SORRY AXEL, BUT IM GOING TO DO THIS!" He muffled and braved him self. I grabbed his head and pushed with all my strength and finally knotted his mouth. I feel his tight throat gaging for I-I- IM CUMMING!!" Pumping out my load down his throat, I feel him swallowing down my warm semen. His tongue was rubbing my bottom part of my knot, where I'm sensitive. "Stop Axel! you keep this up I'm going to end up shooting more down your throat!"

2 and a half hours later, I felt tired and drained out. Axel was pretty much knocked out after pulling out my knot out of him 5 times. I didn't want to disturb him or wake him up, so I showered and got dressed. Now I'm just worried that non of his sisters finds out what we've been up to. Leaving the room where we were, I see them both playing chess on the table. "What are you both up to?" I said. "Nothing. Just waiting for Axel to come out." Amy said worriedly. "Well..... he's asleep.... cause he's kinda sick." I came up with an excuse up. A message tone came to Amy's phone. "Hey! Moms here." She said. "Well we gotta go. Tell thanks to Axel for taking care of us!" " Good bye, Tucker " they both said. They left and closed the door. I was glad they both left. I was worried for our surroundings and the privacy Axel and I had. The door opened from up stairs. "Hey ,Tucker, did they left?" He said. "Yeah, they did." "Then come up stairs, I'm getting kinda *yawns*— sleepy." He said. I locked the door from the entrance and headed up stairs. "Ready for round 6?" I asked. Then I locked the door from our room.

Hey guys, thanks for reading. Sorry for the late update. I had this great plot of the story earlier, but I went off road from it. I had to rewrite, or retype, the whole chapter again.
Wow, these views are getting off the hook! Thank you all for being patient.
Until then. C ya!

"My Best Friend to My Boy Friend" / A Gay Furry StoryWhere stories live. Discover now