Plans For Tonight

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Summer was about to end, and I had a blast! My family and I traveled to see my mom side of her family. We had many activities, party's and cute boys to stare at. But none of them can't compare to Tucker. He and I have been in touch for the past 3 years. He's changed a lot. He's gotten taller way taller and have a great personality over the time. What surprise me was that he started to hit the gym for "protecting the ones he love and care". To be honest, I think he's just trying to get some cute girls to float under his arm and stay together. I mean, he is such a pervert after all. He still leaves his Porn magazine on his bed everytime I visit at his own apartment.

Me, well... I have my own condo , but not the brightest idea my mom came up with. She won the lottery around May, and suggested that I started living by myself. And yet cause of that, I'm stuck here payed for 2 years. It's nice after all. It Has a kitchen, 2 bed rooms upstairs, a living room with furniture, and a big view from here to the city. I have to say, it's good too live here by my self. Alone.....

I still go to the same high school that Tucker goes to, but it takes at least 30 minutes to get there by foot. I should get my own driver license when I have the time. I haven't told him my feelings yet. I'm just unsure how he will react what I have to say. I need to tell him.

It's the beginning of the new school year. 11th grade to be exact. I got dressed for the day and left my condo. I locked the door with a special card key, that allowed me to lock and open my door, and left. "It's getting cold" I said to my self as I kept walking on the path way. I see one of my friends from the distance and yelled. "ASHLEY, HEY OVER HERE!" She turned around with a dramatic twirl that she always do when they call her. I ran to her trying to catch up and maybe talk to her on the way to school.

She's a nice person to talk to. We always hang out with 3 other friends I have... and that Tiger guy from middle school. Turned out He's Ashley's boyfriend She would always bring him over to my place when we all do our homework together. Daniel, the Tiger guy, apologized to me when I meet Ashely during freshman. We hand out whenever he has the time with our mini group, but he still gives me the creeps.

"Ashley, are you exited for the first day of school?" I told her with excitement. "Of course I am! I'm happy that I'll get to see my Daniel with his lovely affection on me." That sentence made me shiver for some reason. It's like she found her perfect love of her life, but I haven't. I have her a weird smile know that I wasn't really happy. "What's wrong, Linton? Why the sad vibes now?" She asked worriedly. " I don't know, Ashley. You found your love of your life and I'm here still struggling to face my fear of not discussing my feelings to Tucker." "You mean that Husky. The pervert one who got caught looking inside the girls Locker room?" She burst out a laughed that made me uncomfortable and embarrassed for him. "Dude, you know he's straight, right?" Ashely said with a serios voice. "You won't even get the chance to date him." Maybe she's right. I think Tucker is better off with a girl instead of me. Man, my head is full of heavy thoughts of us two.

Looking at our high school from a distance, we see many students waiting for the doors to open. Maybe I'll see some of my friends? I took out my phone and stared to group text Erin and Ryan.

Axel: Hey, where you all at?
Erin: I'm on my way there.
Ryan: I'm still in bed, and still sleepy.
Ashely: Hey can you all like hurry your asses up. I don't want to miss our first day like last year.
Erin: Shut up, Hoe! I know you want to eat breakfast
Ashely: I just want to get us a table for us to eat together.
Ryan: why, their food is so bad. I don't even care if we go.
Axel: I'll invite everyone for pizza at my place tonight?
Erin: ON MY WAY!!
Ryan: I'm not a pizza lover.
Axel: What about some Pistachio Ice cream?
Ryan: and?
Axel: With some "special sauce"
Ryan: OH IT IS ON!!
Ryan: by special sauce, we mean Axel's white Chocolate.
Erin: That sounds freaky.
Ryan: shut up, I know you like it, too.
Ryan: K.
Erin: Be there in a bit.

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