Momentary Sight (Part 2)

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"You Fucking Idiot!" She said slamming the door behind me. "Don't lie to me. Why are you dating him!"  I felt shock. I thought my mom would be glad for me being happy with someone but I guessed I was wrong. "Mom, please think about it. I'm happy and glad that I'll probably spend the rest of my life with someone I know and love. Aren't you happy for grateful  for me?" I said. It was a long silence moment, but she cut out by slapping me on the face. "IM NOT HAVING A SON WHO'S A FUCKING FAGGOT. THAT IS WRONG FOR YOU AND FOR TUCKER!!" She yelled. I stood and ran out the door. I'm getting out of here. I can't believe I'm being mistreated by my own mother. Running down stairs, Tucker looked stunned. "What's wrong Axel!" He yelled across the tables. I didn't answer him, but I shook my hand to come out side. Tucker nodded and stood up. "Can you and Ashley stay for a little while, cause Something's up" I heard him say. "No! It's fine. Lets just go away from here." I interrupted.

As Tucker and I grabbed our belongings, my mom comes out of the room at shouts. "YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU NEAR ME AGAIN!" Then I slammed the door behind us heading outside with Tucker. "Wow, you mom is kinda nuts........ shouldn't of said that." he nervously laughed. "No it's fine, but is it ok if we go to your apartment?" I asked sobbingly. "Hey what's wrong, Axel. Why are you sad?" He said holding my shoulder with his hand. "I-I think it's better if we get in your car and go somewhere before there's more disruptions." I said while getting on his car.

Tucker turns on the car and drove off with me. Then he stretched his arm and wrapped around my right shoulder. "Axel, please tell me what happened with you and your mom. Was she angry that we're both together?" He said calmly. "My mom doesn't agree that we're together or accept for who I am with." I said. "Then where do you want to go?" Tucker said. "Somewhere.....somewhere were we could be alone." I answered. "So... a park?"

It was very late and a few lights were on at the park where we're going, and it was kinda cold, which I don't mind. Tucker parked the car and took out his favorite cassette from the center console. "Wanna chill in here or wanna go for a walk?" He said. "Tucker, to be honest. I just want to be alone. I have so much stuff happening in my mind." I said with frustration. "So you want me go or?" "No. I'll go. Just stay here. I need to think this through by my self..... is it fine if you just wait till I come back?" I said. "Sure, just be careful." He said. Getting off the car, I walked towards the entrance of the park. It was kinda hard to find a table since it's dark, but I remember how to make my way there. Sitting down alone on the long chair and looked to my hands, I think to my self. Was everything just a bad nightmare, or was it meant to punish me for no reason. It's normal for a man to love another man, but I didn't knew it was a big deal for my mom. I wish today was something I could forget.

"Hey.... are you alright, man?" someone said in the dark. I looked up and searched around for that voice. "Who's there?" I hesitated. He stepped in the light where I could see him. "It's fine, dude. I'm not going to do nothing. I was wondering why are you here alone?" He said with a kind and gentle tone. I can't believe my eyes. How couldn't I see him. He has such pure white fur and couldn't see him in the dark, plus, he's really rare around these areas in town. "Wow, you look like you've seen a ghost or something" he said chuckling. "Oh sorry. It's just I've never seen another breed like you before." I said with an embarrassed face. "No worries. I was just wondering why were there someone else here at this time of the night. Did something happened?" He asked. I stood silence for a solid moment, but I couldn't bare to hold it. I need help from someone else besides my friends and Tucker. "Look. I know this might sound bad, but I'm gay. I just told my mom told tonight that I'm dating a guy, but she took it badly towards me." "Why, what happened?" He asked. "She slapped me in the face" "Woah. I'm sorry to hear that. Are you ok?" He kindly asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." I smiled.

20 minutes of telling my situation to this guy, we were both getting sleepy. "Hey, Thanks for hearing me out on my problems. I guess I kinda made us both sleepy." I laughed. "No. It's great to hear what you have in mind, but I have an opinion. Maybe you could do something like it." "Sure. I'm all ears." I said. He grabbed my shoulder with a soft grip. "You should just forget everything that happen today. Do the things that you love and care without anyone telling you what's right or wrong. Ignore the ones who disagree, but care for those really care for what you do." He said with confidence. Slowly he grabbed my hand. His warmth from his palm were kinda giving me pleasure. Made want to give him something..... but what? "Well anyways. I need to go." He pushed away gently. "See you next... um.. what's your name?" He asked. "Oh. Sorry. My names Axel, Axel Bernard. And you?" "My name is Cale Caron. It's really nice to meet you." He smiled. "Here. Have my number." He pulls out his business card from his pocket and hands it to me. "Let's meet up again sometime." "As a date?" "No silly. Just as friends." He chuckled. "Ok." I'll see you later then. Just be strong for your self Axel. I know things will turn out great for you soon. Maybe." After he stood up and left, I waved and hid his phone number behind my phone. I know I'll get to chat again.

Walking back to the car, I see Tucker sleeping with the windows down. I always love when he's asleep. So I got in the car quietly and and woke him up with a small shove. "Wake up, I'm ready to go home." I said. Tucker woke up and yawned. "Oh hey." He kept yawning. "I thought you would never come back or something." He said turning on the car. "Yeah sorry. I kinda had a lot to think and sort out, but I feel better now." I said "that's cool. Now let's go home and rest." He grinned. Going reverse in the car, I turned to my windows and see Cale getting on his car. He didn't see me, but I thank him in my mind.

About 5 minutes later, we arrived home. Unlocking my door, Ashely and Daniel we're asleep on the couch. "Hey, I'll be upstairs getting ready for bed. Call me if you need me." Tucker said. I nodded while he left upstairs. I woke Ashley and Daniel up from the couch. I offered them to stay in our guest room upstairs, but they prefer to stay at the couch. Then they went back to sleep.

Walking in to the bed room, I see Tucker taking off his clothes. " *yawn* time to sleepy, Axel" he said "Oh gosh. Are you going to sleep without cloths today?" I said "Axel, I know you love when I'm butt naked in bed. Why don't you join me?" He suggested. "Look I'm not in the mood right now. I just want rest from today's mayhem. Maybe next time." I said while stripping down and lying down on the bed. "Ughh fine. Is it fine I just rub it out while you sleep?" "No. I want to sleep next to you" I said approaching to him on the bed and wrapping my arms around him. "Good night, my love, and don't bust your nutt on my face like last time." "Heheh. I won't." he smirked.

Seeing Tucker one last time before bed made me kiss him one last time. I love him with all my heart, and I know he will be there with me anytime. What's left is for me to sort out what I have in my head. Soon maybe... I hope.


Hi there guys! Thanks for reading the last chapter of this story.
I know it's been kinda rough for me to update often, but I need ahead start for Book 2 soon.
I thank you all for reading this whole story and hope you enjoy it from here on out
Wow, this is almost there for 600 views! Thank you.
Until then and happy New Years!
C ya soon!

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