The day after the birthday ball (Mel's Pov)

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The next day, felix was in every single one of my classes. What was even worse is that he would sit right next to me and glare at any guy who interacted with me. He insisted carrying my tray for me at lunch even though I told him I could do it myself. 

"Hey mels bells, what's new with you?" Nate asks as I sit down. "Back off she's with me." Felix snaps at him. "Excuse me? whomst the fuck is speaking to me like that?" Nate questions offendedly. "I'm sorry, Melrose is mine. Back off." Felix repeats. "Firstly, Mel is my best friend and sister from another mister. Secondly I have a boyfriend. Thirdly She hates being called by her first name, so why the fuck are you doing it? And Forthly and finally, Mel doesn't belong to anyone but herself you uncultured fucknugget. She is an independent free spirit who chooses to love benjamin florean beast wholeheartedly." Nate lists protectively. "Come on melrose, let's get away from these people. You ought to keep better company." Felix says standing up and gesturing for me to do the same. "Uh you can leave, no one asked you to follow me around anyway. Also don't you dare talk to my friends that way." I tell him angrily, my eyes start to glow green around the edges of my irises.

 "Melrose, come on. We're going." Felix says more firmly. "No you're going." I retort. He puts a firm hand on my shoulder and attempts to drag me out of my seat, I flinch involuntarily. However before felix could haul me out of my seat a hooked hand is on his shoulder. "I believe the lady told you to get lost. Now get lost and if I catch you manhandling her again you'll be sorry." Harry growls at felix who pales and lets me go. "Queen leah will be hearing about this." Felix tells me before scurrying off frightenedly. "Why does felix dunbar think he owns you?" Trin asks before I see the scene around me going dark.


"Get up you useless little princess!" Mother snaps as she hauls a little mel by her arm. "Mama that hurts." Little mel whimpers. "Don't call me mama, and quit your whining. Your too soft, I'm gonna make you toughen up or else." Mother says to little mel. "Ma-" She's cut off by a slap to the cheek and is tossed to the floor. "You'll stay in here until you can learn to be tougher. And you'll do well to remember not to call me mother." Mother says coldly and then slams the bedroom door.

*End flashback*

"Aw shit, I thought those were over." I groan as I sit up from laying on someone. "So why was felix trying to act like he owned you?" Trin's voice asks from beside me. "Princess has just woken up, don't ask her that." Harry inputs beside me, so he was holding me up. "It's fine harry. It's probably leah's fault. I'll just have to go and straighten it all out." I reply and trin makes a noise of understanding. "If you don't mind my asking princess what exactly was it that you thought was over?" Harry asks gently. "Flashbacks, I got them a lot when I first arrived here. I assumed that they'd gone away when I learned who I really was. I guess not." I answer and he nods "Well, we need some serious cheering up." Kurt comments and we then go back to joking and laughing again. 

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