Back home, New queen (Mel's Pov)

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"I did tell you that this was going to happen. She'll be fine though, you were not hit in any way fatal to her or you." Mother's voice speaks. I turn my head to see my mother holding the baby again. "You'll wake up back in auradon and your father will tell you that Leah had been taken off the throne and put in prison along with Felix the first for their crimes and the stuff that you exposed them of. Your father will also tell you that means since he is the first born he should be the one to take the throne, except he is too old and it will be passed to you. And if you don't want it, it will be passed to your cousin." Mother informs me and walks up so she's right in front of me. "Hugs and kisses until I see you next." Mother says holding the little baby out for me to take. I take her in my arms, kiss her forehead and hug her close to me. "I can't wait until I can actually hold you." I whisper as mother takes her back. "Ta-ta." Mother chirps in a singsong tone.

I wake with a slight headache, the sound of rhythmic beeping fills the air. "Mels, you're okay." Mal says in relief. I look over and see her sitting in a chair next to me. "Mal of course I'm fine. Where are we?" "We're at the hospital in Auradon, your dad just went to go get himself coffee." She answers. "And Ben..." I trail off. "He couldn't come in the room, he's out in the waiting room, only family is allowed in here right now. Audrey was taken back to her parents by Stefan yesterday night and your dad and I have been here the whole time." "How long is the whole time?" I ask. "Only yesterday when you were injured and today. The doctors told me right then and there when you were first brought in, that the hit wasn't close to the baby at all. She's alright. Mom was right." She says and I nod. "I knew she would be." I tell her. Dad comes in the room with a cup of coffee in hand and rushes to stand on the right side of me. "I'll go tell Ben that Mels is awake so he'll stop worrying." Mal says and stands up awkwardly. "Oh, okay." dad says and Mal turns and leaves. 

"So, the stuff you've exposed your grandmother and Felix the first for, along with the usage and breakage of old rule has landed them both in prison for a little while. Your grandmother, being the age she is, was put on house arrest and deemed unfit to rule again. They said that since I was the first born that I would take the throne, if it weren't if it weren't for the fact that I denounced my title when you went missing all those years ago. Therefore it falls to my first born, who didn't lose her title when I denounced mine, which is you." He tells me. "They decided you should be crowned after you woke up. I should go and tell them that you're awake so they can start getting everything ready for tomorrow." He tells me and I frown. "If you don't want to you can pass the throne to your aunt, and Audrey will be crowned instead." He comforts. "I don't want to be crowned the queen dad." I reply and he smiles. "That's perfectly alright Rosebloom." He assures me. I start to fiddle with the hospital blanket, unsure of what to say next. "Now Addysaurus-rex is going to be the new queen of Asun Eh." He adds and I giggle at the nickname.

The door opens and a nurse comes in the room with Mal and Ben behind her. "I need to check on their vitals, it'll only be a moment." The nurse tells dad. She takes my vitals, checks the wound and the baby, then writes something down on her clipboard and leaves. "Rosie, you're okay." Ben says, sitting in the seat next to the bed. "Of course I'm okay, it takes a little more than that to affect me." I say and pause when I see his face. He looks like he's been crying, red puffy eyes and tear streaks down his cheeks. "Ben, it's alright. I'm safe back home." I say in a softer tone as I take and cradle his head in my hand.

 "I'll go and tell the people to get ready for tomorrow." Dad says standing up and leaving the room. Mal takes his place, standing and placing a hand on my shoulder. I look up at her and she nods, reaffirming her support. "You're pregnant." Ben starts and I nod. "A little less than five months." I say and he frowns. "Why didn't you tell me when you found out?" He asks. "I knew you'd come and try to get me the second you found out about it, and I didn't want to risk it." "I would've stayed here and let you handle it, you could've told me." "No you wouldn't have. You are protective, the moment you knew, you would've stormed the castle by yourself to take Me home." I say and sit up. "Where's my phone?" I ask Mal and she pulls it from her bag. I pull the case off and pull out the sonograms. "It's a girl. And I hope that she looks almost exactly like you." I say showing him the pictures. He drops them back in the phone case and hugs me close to him. "We're having a daughter." He whispers excitedly. "I'm sorry." I whisper back and start to cry. He pulls away from me and frowns. "Hey don't cry, all of it is over now. You and our daughter are safe." He tells me softly as he wipes the tears from my eyes. "I'll go tell the group to leave and that you'll see them later." Mal says and then slips out of the room.

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