Operation Canceled Wedding and Weird Dreams (Mel's Pov)

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The feast ends and Chelsea and Gretta lead us back to our rooms and get us ready for bed. When they leave Audrey comes in with a pink robe on over her nightgown and pink slippers. I put my robe over my nightgown and put slippers on as well and we wait. Soon I hear them walking and talking.

 "Felix, you and I are still together, you haven't even bothered to break off our three year relationship. Come on, tell me you still love me." Lilavati pleads and Felix sighs. "I must admit that I didn't break off the relationship, but that doesn't mean I still love you." "You didn't deny loving me though." She argues. "Okay fine, I didn't want to see you and cave and call of the wedding. I must do this, my father arranged it because Melrose will be what is best for me, and I have to agree." He tells her. "I am a queen to my people, I can run a kingdom as you can. We can merge our kingdoms for the better. No offence but she is not versed in running a kingdom." Lilavati reasons. "Look, I've admitted to still loving you and everything but I still have to marry Melrose." Felix tells her and I take that as my cue to come out of my room.

 "What is happening here?" I ask and Lilavati retreats behind Felix and gives me a wink. "Melrose, nothing is happening." "That's a load of horse dung, you still love me. We've been together for three years and you're still dating me behind her back, tell her the truth and that you're calling the wedding off to marry me." Lilavati says, selling every word. "You're what?! Felix I know I haven't been excited about this but it's because I'm not warmed up to the idea yet, we have to go through with this, it's for our good. I know that we'll grow to love one another after we marry." I argue loudly. 

"What is going on here?" Felix's father questions. I turn to see Felix the first, his wife Elianna, their daughter Catriona, Leah, Stefan and dad standing in the doorway of the dining hall. "This woman-" I say gesturing to Lilavati. "-Is trying to tell me that Felix is seeing her, and will break off the engagement for her." Felix stutters and Lilavati crosses her arms. "It's true sir, I heard every word." Audrey agrees and subtly winks in Lilavati's direction. 

"Until this is sorted out I will not be going to see the officiant, I will not be having the wedding." I demand, crossing my arms. "Very well, Lilavati of Genova will be staying here and we will be sorting everything out. The plans are postponed until further notice. I will have Gretta and Chelsea be queen Lilavati's ladies in waiting as well for the time being. Go to bed now all of you. Queen Lilavati, the bedroom on the left of princess Melrose will be yours." Felix the first says. "Father this isn't necessary-" Felix tries to argue. "It's absolutely necessary, there is no arguing it. Now, let's get rest and start sorting this all out in the morning." Felix's father cuts him off with. "Good night princesses Melrose and Audrey and queen Lilavati." Felix bids and then follows his father, mother and sister to wherever their rooms are.

Leah, Stefan and dad are still standing in the hallway. "Honestly, you make this out to be a big deal. All you have to do is marry him and bear an heir, then you can leave him to have his mistress. You don't even like the arrangement." Leah complains to me and then turns and walks away. Setfan hugs me and apologizes for her, then follows after her. Now it's just dad, Audrey, Lilavati and I in the hallway. "Is this part of your plan?" Dad asks me and I smirk. "A small portion of the bigger plan." I explain. He kisses me on the forehead. "Alright little rose bloom, goodnight. Goodnight Addysaurus rex. Goodnight queen Lilavati." He says. "Goodnight uncle Rohan." "Goodnight dad." "Goodnight your highness." We all reply. I turn to Audrey and smirk. "Addysaurus rex?" I ask and she blushes. "When I was five, I told everyone that I wanted to be a t-rex when I grew up so he started calling me that and the name stuck." she explains and I giggle. 

I turn to queen Lilavati and bow my head. "Thanks for helping me, we need to keep this postponed as long as possible until I can get it canceled." I tell her. "Then I will help you whenever you need me to, as long as I end up with my Felix. Honestly I don't understand how he could just go along with this so adamantly." "When you're trying to stay in the good graces of your parent, you'd do whatever they wanted you to. I've tried to with maleficent before I realized that I couldn't gain her approval at all." I say with a frown. She puts a hand on my shoulder in comfort. "On that note, good night princesses. I will see you in the morning." She says and goes into her room. Audrey and I go to our own rooms as well, bidding each other good night. I have trouble sleeping, wondering what everyone back in auradon would be doing right now. Eventually though, I end up falling asleep.

My dream begins with a baby wrapped in purple, lying on a play mat making cooing noises. I look down at it and instantly it starts to cry. So I pick it up, it quiets as soon as I do, only making small cries at random. "She's beautiful isn't she?" A voice comments. I whip around to see mother, standing with a glass in hand. "What are you doing here?" I question. She ignores me though, reaching over and taking the baby from my arms. "Don't-" She holds up a hand for me to be quiet. "It's your daughter, she'll hinder your plan a bit, although it does work out." She tells me and I feel a protective instinct surge in me. I reach out and take the baby back from her. "There will be a moment where you might lose her I'm afraid. But she'll be fine, don't worry." She continues as I rock the baby gently. She places a hand on my shoulder and I flinch a bit, startling the baby. "Don't worry about becoming a mother, you'll do amazing. And don't worry, she'll be fine. Gotta go, wasted too much power on this, I'm not much of a threat nowadays. after being left back on the isle." She finishes and then takes the baby from me. "Say goodbye for now." She tells the baby and makes the baby wave. She disappears, and everything goes black. 

I sit up and notice that the sun is barely rising and the birds are chirping. I think about that dream, What was that? Was she actually in my dream talking to me? What does she mean? Who was that baby? Is the plan actually gonna work like she says? I think to myself. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Chelsea walks in the door. "Princess, I didn't think you would be awake at this time. I was coming to set your clothes out for you and since you're up, I'll help you into them and fix your bed. The cooks are fixing breakfast as we speak so when we're finished dressing you, you can join princess Catriona and her highness Elianna for tea." She tells me. She then helps me get dressed into a pretty purple sundress. "Where did you get this?" I ask and she blushes. "It's Catriona's, She overheard me saying that you were not satisfied with the gowns, so she had me give you some of her clothes." "I'll have to thank her then." I muse and look at the dress. "She said that she didn't mind, she just wanted to make you feel comfortable." Chelsea explains.

I go to the dining hall and sit down across from Catriona and Elianna. "I see you liked the dress." Catriona comments with a smile. "I do thank you." I reply and she pours me a cup of tea. "I understand that this can be difficult, I mean leaving your friends and your home behind to come here. I wanted to make you feel more comfortable here, at least for as long as you'll be here. I've noticed that you did what you did last night to push back the wedding, why not just ask to leave?" Catriona questions. "I want to make sure that this ends properly, and that it puts the proper people at fault for their actions. That means I need to stay here and see it through." I explain. 

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