Leah's intent (Mel's Pov)

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School went by without another incident with felix, because lumiere sat beside me and talked to the teachers about what had happened at lunch with my flashback episode. However leah summons me for dinner that night. So lumiere takes me to the castle. "Melrose, please sit. I have something I need to discuss with you." Leah says gesturing to the chair across from herself and two other people. I sit down and notice I'm sitting between my father and felix. "It has come to my attention that you have not realized what I meant when I introduced you to felix. That was my mistake. Melrose meet felix dunbar of Catelona, his mother Elianna, his father Felix the first, and his sister Catriona. Felix and you are going to be arranged together in a marriage." Leah tells me as one of the servants serve the food and drinks.

 "No, I will not. I did not agree to that, and you are not my legal guardian so you will not be telling me what I am and am not to do." I reply calmly and grip the edge of the table in preparation to stand up. "And I as her father and legal guardian, agree with her." My father agrees with me. "Melrose, Rohan, there is no arguing the matter. Elianna, Felix the first and I have been talking and we believe this would be a perfect union of our kingdoms." Leah says sternly. "You're right, there is no arguing in the matter." I start, leah looks smug and father and lumiere look shocked. "I will not be marrying felix dunbar, not now, not ever and that's the end of that. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some very important projects to do. Lumiere if you would be so kind as to take me home. I will see you later father and it was nice to meet you all, I wish it were under better circumstances." I finish as I stand and father nods proudly. 

"This is not the end of this melrose, in fact the second semester you are to transfer out of auradon prep and into home studies in catelona." Leah calls as I walk out the door. I'm in the courtyard when audrey comes running up to me. "Don't worry mel, I'll stall the transfer as much as I can. I've already burned the home studies papers, and blocked the website on all of the computers in the castle. I'm trying to buy you time to come up with a plan." She tells me. I smile and hug her tightly. "Thank you audrey, it will definitely buy some time." I tell her. I get in the limo and get a call from ben. "Hello?" I answer. "Rosie, hey clear your schedule for tomorrow, I want to do something special." He tells me. "Okay." I answer. "Alright good, love you rosie." "Love you benji, my love." I reply and he hangs up.

Lumiere takes me back to auradon and promises to be here in the morning to guard me again. I make my way to harry and gil's dorm cause I know they're in their dorm and aren't busy/wouldn't do anything irrational to leah over everything. "What are you doing here this time of night princess?" Harry asks when he opens the door. "Can I talk to you?" I ask and he looks confused for a moment. "Where's your sister, or the other's? What about ben?" He questions. 

"Mal would be furious at leah. Faith and mason are on a double date with trin and lyssia. Nate is working on a merger with evie's fashion brand and his. Kurt and travis are working on another project for AP bio. Jay and carlos are at a fencing competition. And ben well I don't wanna worry him." I explain. "Come on in then, gil was just going to go to the kitchen to get snacks." Harry says stepping aside so I could come in. "Thanks, I just came back from dinner with leah and didn't get to eat anything." I tell him as I walk into the dorm. "I'll just grab you a whole bowl of cherries." Gil assures me and I smile as he pats me on the back.

 Gil then leaves to the kitchen and harry turns to me. "So does this happen to have anything to do with felix?" He asks. I nod with a sigh. "Leah told me that the reason she introduced me to felix is because she wants me to marry him. I told her that would never happen but she wants to send me to felix's kingdom where after I graduate home studies I would marry him. Audrey is stalling as much as she can and buying me time but I have no clue how I'm gonna get a way out of this." I rant and he puts a hand on my shoulder to calm me down. "Easy now mel, I know you. You're an isle girl who can get herself out of any situation because she spent her childhood with the top dogs of the isle, they've taught you so much. Use those skills to dig as much dirt up on everyone involved in the situation and use all that you find against them." He advises. "What if that doesn't work?" I ask. "Well then they'll have to deal with all of us, your friends and your sister." Gil says from the doorway where he's standing with the food he brought. "I couldn't tell-"


"Mels what's wrong? You haven't been acting like yourself. You know you can tell me anything right?" Little mal asks. "I can't-" "Yes you can, whatever it is it'll stay between us two if you want." Mal tells mel. "Well, Mother, she likes to shove me around when she's in one of her moods. She just started doing it." Mel tells mal. "I'll try and stop her from doing it if I ever see her." Mal assures her younger sister. "Thanks mal." Mel says hugging mal. "Anything for you mels, any problem you have you don't need to be afraid to come to me or the gang we'll deal with it." Mal reminds her. "Okay mal, I'll try." Little mel answers.

*End Flashback*

"You alright there princess?" Harry asks when I come to. "Another flashback, I really thought they were over." I answer and gil sets the bowl of cherries in my lap. "You guys can't tell anyone else yet promise me you won't. And if I end up in Catelona then I'll figure some way out of it." I tell them as I start to pick through the cherries. Harry gives me a skeptical look but nods and says, "Then come to us if you need help or have any new information. Don't make us worry for you princess." "I'll be fine, I swear." I say mostly to myself, gil must have known because he says, "We promise not to tell any of the others, unless we feel like you are in too much trouble that you can't get out of by yourself, then we'll tell them everything. Deal?" 

I nod. "That's fair, now if you'll excuse me I've got some dirt to dig and some blackmail evidence I've got to find." I tell them as I stand with the cherries. They wish me goodnight and walk me to the door, I give them both hugs and then go to my dorm. There I find gisele standing in front of it about to knock. "Oh, hey mel. I was going to ask you if you could maybe ask ben if I could go to his castle to see the library, I heard it was big and I really want to see it." She asks when she sees me walk up. "When I have the time I'll for sure ask ben if you can." I tell her with a chuckle. She beams and thanks me before going and skipping down the hallway.

The girls all come in around ten and start to ask me what's going on with felix. "Nothing's going on with felix, he thinks that I'm his property, but I'm not and I told him that loud and clear. I'm my own person and I give myself to ben only. He'll back off." I tell them. "He wishes you were his, bum ass bitch boy." Trin scoffs. "Now let's get some sleep, I sure all hell didn't last night." lyssia jokes with a wink. "I didn't need to hear that lyss." Faith groans. I toss a pillow at her but she dodges it and smirks. "Hey you and ben'll be doing the sideways two step soon enough, don't at me like that." She tells me. "Eww! Ulyssia Rose Rider you don't need to be so crass about it." Faith scolds. "It's true, even you and mason have, hell I know for sure nate and kurt have." "Eww, I don't need to hear about my brother's love life." Trin starts. "Girls girls, you're all pretty, let's focus on something else." I interrupt. "So like have you and ben made any big plans?" Trin asks. "He called me earlier, told me to clear my schedule for tomorrow and that he wants to do something special." I tell them. "Ooh how cute, ben's a big softie when it comes to you." Trin coos. "Yeah he really loves you, anyone could see it." Lyssia agrees. "Come on girls, time for bed, let's get some sleep tonight." I tell them in a motherly tone. Trin and lyssia promise to get sleep and then leave for their dorm.

"Mel is everything really okay with you? You seem troubled." Faith asks suddenly. "I'm fine faith, don't worry about me." I answer and she's silent for a bit. "Are you sure?" "If I weren't fine my friends would be the first people to know, meaning I would tell you guys. Now get some sleep." I assure her. "Alright she replies doubtfully.

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