Wedding crashing and a duel (Mel's Pov)

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It's been two more months, I'm currently five months along with a small bump. The only two places I've been to are the tailor's room where she fixes the wedding dress to fit me, and to the royal doctor that's been sworn to secrecy. He's confirmed that the baby is a girl, meaning mother was right about that. Then Elianna has been home schooling me along with Catriona while the kingdom sets up for the wedding. 

 Elianna has gotten me everything I've been craving, yeah I've started craving things. I've grown used to cradling the bump and telling her about her father. I've started wondering who she'd look more like, me or Ben. I've also been keeping Mal updated, sending Mal pictures of me with the bump. I've been stashing the sonograms in my phone case. Mal's told me that Ben, my grandfather and dad are working together with a way to dethrone Leah with the help of Lilavati, Elianna and Catriona. I gave Lilavati and Catriona the go ahead to start spreading the dirt all through their friend groups and kingdoms. Mal said that it seems like there are more people from each kingdom getting upset about Felix the first and Leah's misdeeds, and they're starting to voice their unhappiness.

Anyways, this morning I woke up to Chelsea and Gretta flitting around the room. "Good morning your highness. Today is the day of your wedding." Chelsea says. "We've got to get you ready." Gretta adds. "What, the wedding is today?" I ask and they stop in their tracks and nod. "Your family has come back for the event, and the entire kingdom has come to celebrate. It will be held in the throne room." Chelsea says, standing me up and rushing me out the door. "We're going back to your old room to ready you." "Your wedding dress is there, and your cousin is waiting for you as well." They both say and drag me back to my old room.

When we get there Audrey and a girl I don't know are sitting on my bed. "We can take over bathing her, you guys wait out here so you can dress her and do her hair and makeup." Audrey says to the ladies in waiting as she takes me by the hand and shoves me into the bathroom, the girl that was with her following behind us. Audrey closes and locks the door once the girl is in, Audrey turns to me and grins. "Well Mels, the pictures you were sending me don't do you justice." The girl says and suddenly sparkles surround the girl and becomes Mal. "I'm disguised as a person from the kingdom that Audrey befriended on her way in, so when we're finished here I have to change back. I'm going by the name Janice alright." Mal informs me and I jump to hug her. "Careful there sis." She says with a laugh, catching me and holding me tight. "I missed you." I say and she pulls away. "I missed you too. Is my niece doing alright?" She asks, rubbing my bump. I nod and smile. "She's doing fine, but she's oddly still today." I muse. "She's probably just shy huh?" Mal says and then lets go of the bump.

 "Alright we said we'd get you bathed, strip and get in." Audrey instructs, turning on the water. "Lavender or mint smell?" Mal asks as she looks in the cabinet under the sink for bubble bath. "Lavender." Audrey answers and Mal brings a lavender bottle over to the big bathtub. When the tub is filled Audrey pours a little of the bubble bath into the water and turns to me. "I said strip, I meant it. Come on, we're all girls here." Audrey tells me. I do as told and get in the tub. "You can bathe yourself but we came in here cause we wanted to talk with you before everything happened." Mal says and sits at the edge of the tub, Audrey nods, copying Mal. Mal tells me about everything that's been happening at school and with the group. I talk about how I've wanted to meet her in person and hold her in my arms.

Once I'm done in the bath Mal puts her disguise back on and Audrey helps me into my robe. When I'm back in the bedroom Gretta and Chelsea take me behind the changing screen and help me into the wedding dress. I come out from behind the screen and Chelsea and Gretta do my hair and makeup and then they put a pink veil on my head. I look in the mirror and frown, then I turn to Mal and Audrey. "It looks pink... and poofy." Mal trails off and looks at Audrey. "It doesn't suit you but hey it will make a statement." Audrey says with a shrug. 

There's a knock at the door and in walks my dad. "I'll be walking you down the aisle, knowing this is just practice for us." He says and looks me over. "Who chose the dress color?" He asks, wrinkling his nose. "Your mother." I reply with a deadpan expression. "I'm so sorry." He says and then bursts out laughing. "Come on, it's time to get in your places." Chelsea warns and dad stands upright. "Alright. We'll be in the front row, trust me you aren't gonna make it to the vows." Audrey whispers to me and I shake my head. "Good luck Ro." She says and then leaves with Mal. 

We get to the doors of the throne room and open them up. Music starts to play as we walk down the aisle, I see Felix waiting with a bored expression on his face. Once up at the altar dad kisses my cheek and sits next to Mal. "Welcome everyone, We gather here today to witness the union of king Felix Reginald the second and princess Melrose Adeline Malora the second and the union of two kingdoms as one. Should anyone have any objections speak them now or forever hold your peace." The minister starts pausing to take any objections. Only silence is heard and the minister readies to speak again.

Suddenly the doors to the throne room are thrown open and in storms Ben. "Stop right there! I Benjamin Florean Beast, challenge Felix Reginald the second to a duel for princess Melrose Adeline Malora the second." Ben shouts. "No!" I gasp. "I accept." Felix replies. "I do not!" I say and step in between them. "This is not what is happening." I say, putting my hands out. "Fetch the dueling swords." Felix tells a guard who had come in to apprehend Ben and he bows and heads out. Moments later he brings a case with two identical swords with rubber on the sharp ends in it and presents them to Ben and Felix. Audrey stands up and pulls me to where she and Mal are standing. Everyone in the room is standing in stunned silence, watching as the minister lists the rules of the duel. "The first to three hits wins the hand of the princess." He tells Ben and Felix. 

They start to duel and I watch in fear that I'll never be able to be with Ben again. Ben gets two hits and I see Felix pulling the rubber off the sharp edge of the sword. He swings in Ben's direction. I jump in front of Ben and feel pain bloom in my ribs. I fall to my knees and look up at a shocked Felix. "You lost." I speak loudly so that everyone can hear. "Mel!" "Mels!" "Ro!" "Rose!" Four voices shout in unison and I feel my eyes getting heavier. I fall to the side and am caught by Ben, who cradles my head and whispers for me to be okay. I close my eyes and drift into darkness. 

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