14 - Mother

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I fluttered my eyes open to my name being called. When I looked around I saw nothing but darkness and a strange woman standing in the middle of the abyss.

"Who are you?" I asked attempting to stand up but to no avail.

My legs felt as if they were glued to the ground, I couldn't move. Despite that, I wasn't panicked, I honestly felt calm.

"Y/n, " the voice called again.

I watched the figure in front of me moved closer I realized it had no face. It walked closer and I felt the urge to reach out my hands, so I did.

The woman got closer then grabbed my hands. When our hands touched I felt my stomach fill with butterflies, my eyes watered as I began sobbing.

"M-Mother!" I exclaimed as the figure's face was finally visible.

"My dear y/n what happened to you?" She asked but I just cried.

I haven't felt the warmth of my mother in years I couldn't help but cling to her. She grabbed me and patted my back repeating soothing words.

Minutes passed and I eventually calmed down. My mother who was holding me broke our hug and looked at me brushing my h/c hair out of my eyes.

"We don't have much time, so I want to talk to you for a little bit." My mom said and sat down next to me.

"What have you been up to? Do you have a boyfriend? Are you married? Do you have-" I cut her off. "Mom! One at a time" I giggled and she smiled holding my hands.

"Is that young boy you travel with your boyfriend?" She asked and I felt my heart speed up.

"N-NO!" I stuttered and removed her hands so I could cover my face.

My face was on fire from that one question.
'Tanjirou? My boyfriend?! Never!!' I thought.

"Oh really?!" She laughed and I shook my head in response.

We sat in silence for a while until she stood up and dusted off her cherry blossom kimono. The mood in the room changed from playful to serious as my mother spoke:

"Y/N, it's not your fault I'm dead."

I widened my eyes and bit my lip. In the back of my mind, for years I felt it was my fault for being a bit late home that day.

"M-Mom-" I choked out and she turned around to look at me.

"I miss you so much! I want to stay with you forever." I cried.

"Y/N" she began. "You can't stay with me."

I felt my legs finally become lighter as I shot up. The room around me began to glow white and the distance between my mother and me grew.

"M-MOM!" I screamed as I attempted to catch up to her but she continued to get further.

The darkroom finally turned completely white and I opened my eyes once again.

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