22 - Beautiful

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{flipping the story around a bit!}

Returning to my room I slowly sat down and began tending to my injured ankle. I was trying my best to ignore everything that had just happened, my awkward encounter with Tanjirou to be exact.

I couldn't understand my feelings towards him. Whenever he was around I couldn't keep my cool, I feel my heart twinge with excitement whenever he calls my name.

Sighing I finished bandaging my ankle and stood up brushing the dirt off my robe. I opened my door and peeked my head out. Down the hallway I saw the three boys heading my way; they were all in the same robe as me. I smiled and stepped out of my room making my way over to the trio.

"Hello!" I greeted and they all looked at me.

"Y/N!" Zenitsu cheered and walked next to me making small conversation.

"We were about to eat, why not join us?" Tanjirou spoke from behind and I gladly accepted avoiding contact with him.

We walked into their room, where the old woman was setting up four chabudai's with food. She smiled at us and walked towards the door as we all sat down.

"The doctor will be here soon, please eat while you wait to be properly treated." She said and exited the room.

Everyone waited for the door to be close, once it did everyone began eating.

"Inosuke" Tanjirou broke the silence.

"I want to apologize for hitting your head earlier." He apologized and I listened confused to what happened.

"The fight shouldn't have resulted in injury, I feel really bad." He added.

Inosuke just scoffed but Tanjirou smiled knowing the boy accepted his apology.

"Also, you should apologize to Zenitsu and Y/N for trying to fight them!" He scolded.

Inosuke grunted then stood up and pointed his chopsticks at Tanjirou in a threatening manner.

"NEVER, I REFUSE!" he yelled waving around his hands like a crazy person.

Tanjirou brows furrowed as the two began to argue. "You should!" "Never!" The two shouted back and forth.

I began to laugh and everyone went silent and looked at me.

"What's funny [your name but just pronounced wrong]!" Inosuke snapped and I just smiled.

"Oh, nothing~ i'm just happy!" I said and began to happily eat my food once again.


About 15 minutes later the doctor showed up. He analyzed all of the boys, and they all had broken ribs. Zenitsu with two, Inosuke with four and Tanjirou with three.

After checking on me he noticed nothing besides my ankle was injured, which I was thankful for. The man left after treating us and everyone went back to their normal conversations, and by that I mean arguing and screaming.

Just as I was fixing to leave for the night Zenitsu stopped me.

"Y/N, wait." He said and I'd never seen him so serious before.

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