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     "Excuse me sir! This is not what I asked for! And the price is outrageous! I will not be paying for this!"
     I swear, if I didn't love my job and my baby at home, I would have shut this place down myself.
     This lady is literally telling me that I baked her the wrong cupcakes and telling me that I don't know how to bake.
     "Ma'am, I really don't have time to do this right now. My bakery closes in 10 minutes and I have a baby to go home to." I tell the woman calmly, a forced smile on my face.
     "Well, maybe, if you knew how to treat a woman you'd have your wife at home to take care of your baby."
     That's it. This lady is going to be banned from my shop for the rest of her life. If she even lives any longer.
     "For your information ma'am, I'm gay. I have a 10 month old baby at home that came from me. I gave birth to him. Yes, that is possible considering the fact that I am a carrier. Now, I would very much like it if you would leave so that I can close my bakery. I would also like it if you left and never came back. Have a nice night ma'am."
The woman scoffs and turns around, angrily walking out of my bakery.
"I hope you rot in hell!" The woman says before she leaves completely.
"I can't believe her. The nerve of some people. She had no reason to act that way." One of my employees, Wooyoung, says to me.
"I know, but that's just how some people are. Can you make sure all of the lights and things are turned off so we can lock up? I'm gonna go ahead and close. She really got on my last nerve."
Wooyoung makes sure everything is cleaned and turned off for me and afterwards, we both leave the bakery and I lock up.
I take Wooyoung home on my way to pick up Jimin from Namjoon's house.
I couldn't leave him at Yoongi's place because he's at his boyfriends house right now.
When I pull up to Namjoon's house, I'm surprised to see him sitting on the porch with Jimin in his lap, fast asleep.
Getting out, I walk over to them and just look at my baby, peacefully sleeping without a care in the world and his pacifier in his mouth.
Namjoon smiles at me and carefully gives Jimin to me along with his bag.
"Thanks Joonie. I'll pay you tomorrow morning" I say before giving him a hug and telling him goodnight.
Wooyoung helps me put Jimin in the car and he moves to the back to keep an eye on him until I drop him off at home, handing him his check before he gets out.
My ride home is very quiet, the only sound being Jimin's little snores and him making little baby noises every now and then.
When I get home, I take Jimin out and take him inside and upstairs.
He wakes up when I start to take his clothes off to give him a quick bath.
"Hi Minnie! Appa missed you baby! Did you miss appa?"
Jimin just looks at me sleepily before making a grabby hands motion towards me.
"Come on baby. You're gonna take a bath with Appa tonight, okay?"
Jimin makes gurgling noises as I pick him up and carry him to the bathroom so that we both can take a bath.
After my bath with Jimin, I put him in a soft, blue onesie; one of the hundred that Namjoon had given him along with his favorite pacifier.
After changing into my own pajamas, I put Jimin to bed in his room, turning off the lights and turning on his nightlight.
Giving Jimin a kiss on his chubby cheek goodnight, I walk into my bedroom and slip into my rose gold silk sheets, falling asleep almost instantly.

     The next morning, I wake up feeling very well rested and ready to start my day.
     Getting up, I go into Jimin's room to find him up and awake, standing up hanging onto the railing on his crib with his pacifier in his mouth.
     "Good morning Jimin!" Jimin squeals and tries to get out of his crib.
     "Come here Minnie. Are you hungry? Hm?" I carry a sleepy looking Jimin downstairs, placing him in his high chair in the kitchen.
     He starts whining and getting a little fussy. "What's wrong baby? Do you want appa to hold you?" Jimin starts to cry quietly. Jimin rarely cries so it surprises me that he's crying right now.
     I sigh and pick him up, walking into the living room with him and sitting down on the couch.
     Jimin stops crying almost instantly. I gently wipe his tears away and kiss his cheeks.
     "What's wrong Minnie? Do you not want any milk?"
     Jimin spits his pacifier out of his mouth and tries to get down.
     This kid. He just wanted to be put down. "Aish, Kim Jimin. All you wanted was to crawl around."
     I put him down and he smiles, crawling around and being the adventurous baby he is.
     I think I'll take him to the park today. He needs to go outside every once in a while and I haven't taken him out.
     I get up and go make his bottle before I take his stroller out of the living room closet.
     After making his bottle, I go back into the living room, pick Jimin up, and take him upstairs to his bedroom to get him dressed.


     How's baby Jimin ☺️?

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