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I...I don't believe what just happened at the park today. I've already burned myself three times to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
There is no way I met my dream guy today. Absolutely no way. And I was just a...a mess. A blushing mess in front of him.
Jimin was even getting used to him, though Jimin is just naturally a people person.
The way he was looking at me...I've never been looked at that way before..he never even looked at me that way.
It felt nice to catch him staring at me, looking at me like I was his world even though we had only known each other for about an hour.
I don't even know what happened today. It was like...love at first sight? Something I had never experienced before.
The feeling of being looked at like you're someone's everything is just...I can't even explain it without thinking about him and becoming a blushing mess.
Jimin is asleep right now, upstairs in his crib, so I'm using my free time by having some tteokbokki with some cheesy ramen and a cup of iced tea.
Tteokbokki was something that I craved when I was pregnant with Jimin and I guess it just stuck with me.
While I'm pouring my tea, I get a text from an unknown number.

Hi, is this Seokjin?

Possibly Seokjin
Yes, this is him. Who is this?

This is Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.
From the park?

Possibly my Future
Oh! Hi Jungkook!
I wasn't expecting to get a text from you.

We exchanged numbers this morning and you didn't expect a text from me?
I'm hurt.

Possibly my Future
No! Don't be hurt!
I just don't text people a lot is all.

Aish, I'm still hurt.
Only a text from you can heal my heart ♥️

Possibly my Future
Is that your idea of a pickup line?

Well, I didn't even have to really use a pickup line to get you to go on a date with me..hmm...this Saturday? I'll pick you up at 8.

Possibly my Future
Well played Mr. Jeon.
Is there any particular attire I should wear?

Something casual. Nothing too much.
I'm sure you'll look good in whatever guy decide to wear.

Possibly my Future
Thank you Jungkook. I have to go now. I'm about to eat and I'd like to finish my meal before Jimin wakes up.

Oh, alright. I'll text you later then.
Enjoy your meal

Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD! Why am I acting like a 16 year old girl?
All he did was text me for Christ's sake! My heart is just spiraling out of control and I can't help it.
After I've finished eating, washing the dishes, and vacuuming, I hear Jimin upstairs.
He's not crying, just being a little fussy. When I get upstairs, he's just sitting up in his crib, his pacifier on the floor.
"Is this why you're up? Did your paci fall Minnie? Hm?"
"D...d...dada!" My eyes widen. He...he said his first word! "That's right baby! I'm dada!"
Jimin squeals and claps his hands, trying to climb out of his crib for me.
I go over to him and pick him up excitedly, kissing his chubby little cheeks as he laughs and squeals.
"You're such a good baby! Yes you are! Wanna come downstairs with dada?"
"Dada!" I'll take that as a yes then. I walk downstairs with a still exited Jimin, carful not to fall.
I sit down in my favorite chair and make Jimin stand up on the floor while I hold his hands.
He looks up at me as if he's waiting for me to pick him up, but I don't.
He starts to whine a bit. "No Minnie. Dada won't always hold you like Yoongi does."
He tries to sit down but I hold him up and put him back on his feet.
He starts to tear up and I sigh, lifting him up and placing him in my lap, wiping his tears and kissing his forehead.
"You're such a big baby Minnie." I know he's only 10 months old and he's still a baby, but he doesn't normally cry and whine this much.
He also doesn't normally want me to hold him this much.
I pull out my phone just to check the time and decide to go on my calendar.
"Sweet baby Jesus! Tomorrow is Saturday!" That idiot didn't tell me that Saturday was tomorrow! Oh for the love of God.

~Calling Yoongles🖤~

Yoongles🖤: "Hello?"
Jinnie💜: "Hi Yoongi! Um, I was wondering if you could watch Jimin for me tomorrow night. I um...I'm going on a date tomorrow and...he's picking me up at 8. I'm not sure what time we'll be back, but I can get all of that information from him before then."
Yoongles🖤: *smile evident in his voice* "Of course I can watch Minnie. Just bring him over before you leave."
Jinnie💜: "Oh thank God. He asked me to go out today and I didn't realize that tomorrow was Saturday, so I called you as soon as I realized that. I have to go now Yoongs. Jimin is trying to eat my fingers."
Yoongles🖤: "Alright Jinnie. Stop Minnie from eating your fingers and give him lots of kisses for me."

"Yah! Kim Jimin! Stop trying to eat my fingers with your nonexistent teeth! If you're hungry I'll make you a bottle!"
Aish, I swear he's always hungry. He gets that from me though, so I can't complain. He's got his appa's appetite.
Now...what in the world am I gonna wear on this date tomorrow?!

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