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"Nothing happened. What are you talking about?" I swear to fuck if Namjoon told Jin anything after telling me not to say anything.
He wouldn't even be thinking of this right now if he hadn't picked up Jimin yesterday.
"Are you sure?" I sigh. "I'm sure baby. Now take Taehyung upstairs. I'm sure he'll love taking a nap with you."
Jin raises an eyebrow at me before slowly turning around and walking upstairs with a sleepy Taehyung in his arms.
Relieved, I look down at Jimin who's currently trying to eat his hand with his four teeth.
"Dada!" There he goes again. Calling me dada. I don't know why he would call me dada and not Yoongi or Namjoon. Babies are weird.
After a while, I don't hear anything upstairs. Suspicion gets the best of me, so I walk upstairs with Jimin and go into Jin's room.
They really did fall asleep. Jin has his arms wrapped around Taehyung while Taehyung is snuggled into Jin's chest.
"How about we take a nap Jimin? Hm?" Jimin looks at be with wide eyes, looking back and forth between Jin and I before reaching for Jin.
I walk over to the other side of Jin's bed, climbing in with Jimin and laying him down before laying down myself.
Jimin crawls onto my chest and lays himself down while I place one hand on his back to keep him from falling.
     For a few minutes, I simply watch Jimin's little eyes wander and watch as he lifts his head and looks around Jin's room, as if he hasn't seen it before.
     When his eyes land on Jin, he tries to crawl away from me to get to him.
     "Hey, Jimin." I whisper to him. "You can't have your appa right now. He's sleeping with Tae. See."
     Jimin whines and says, very softly, "Appa?" Jin must've heard him because he wakes up almost immediately, looking around his room for Jimin.
     Jimin gasps, "Appa!" He says loudly. Loud enough to wake Taehyung from his little nap.
     "Come here Minnie. Appa is going to put you to sleep so Appa can go back to sleep."
     I chuckle as Jimin excitedly makes his way over to Jin who picks him up and carries him to his bedroom down the hall.
     "Daddy.." I hear Taehyung whisper. When I look at him, he looks very sick.
     Take doesn't usually get sick, and when he is, he's always with Hoseok.
     I feel bad for always leaving him whenever he needs me, like right now, but I've never been sure of what to do.
     When Jin comes back into the room, he gasps and immediately goes to Taehyung, feeling his head and his cheeks with his hand.
     "Are you cold TaeTae? Do you want more blankets?"
     Taehyung shakes his head 'no' and simply stretches his arms out for Jin who happily picks him up.
     I get up and follow Jin downstairs and into his living room, taking a seat on his couch while he sits in his favorite chair, Taehyung snuggles closely to him.
     "So, are you going to tell me what Namjoon told you?" Jin asks, watching as Taehyung slowly begins to fall asleep in his lap.
"Nothing happened at Namjoon's house Jin." "I didn't ask you what happened. I asked you to tell me that he told you. I know you're hiding something from me Jungkook. You and Namjoon both."
This is exactly why I love this man. He knows me like the back of his hand.
"I told you that nothing happened and he didn't tell me anything Jin."
"I will kick you out and keep your son here Jeon Jungkook."
Keep him. Go ahead and see if you can handle a three year old and a one year old on your own Jin.
     "I know what you're thinking and I can handle both of them thank you very much. Taehyung loves me. Don't you baby?" Jin asks Tae, kissing his cheeks and his forehead.
     He still hasn't given me my kiss yet! What is this?! I told Namjoon that I wasn't going to tell Jin that I know or go on a rampage...only half of that didn't happen. My office is still a mess.
     That's not the point here though. Sighing, I get up and walk over to Jin, kneeling in front of him and my sleeping son and taking one of his hands in mine.
     "Jin...I told Namjoon that I wouldn't tell you." He opens his mouth to speak before I can finish.
      "Let me finish before you say anything." Jin scoffs and avoids eye contact with me, looking down at Taehyung and kissing his forehead again.
     "If it has anything to do with me, I think I ought to know about what was said Jungkook."
     Aish, I knew he would say something like this. "Namjoon told me not to talk about it with you." "So you'll listen to him but you won't listen to me? I'm your boyfriend!"
     I sigh heavily before taking Taehyung from Jin and laying him down on the other couch, making sure he's comfortable before taking off my hoodie and laying it on him.
     Going back over to Jin, I notice that he's now standing up with his arms crossed over his chest.
     I walk over to him, slowly but surely, wrapping my arms around his waist and maintaining eye contact as he looks up at me with a raised eyebrow.
     I steal a quick peck from his pink lips. "Don't look at me like that baby."
     "Don't baby me. You won't even tell me what my older brother told you because he said not to tell me. If it's about me or Jimin, I should be able to know."
     Singing, I lay my head on his shoulder and burry my face in his neck, inhaling his sweet scent and leaving small kisses along his jawline.
Fuck, I love this so much. His skin is so soft and his sweet strawberry scent calms something inside me.
     He lets out a small gasp when I start to nip gently at his neck.
     "Don't start this Jungkook. Your son is right there and mine is upstairs sleeping."
     "Don't you remember where our first kiss was and where the kids were?"
     His body goes stiff and I can tell that he's blushing. Cute.
     "Namjoon just told me a bit about your past that...infuriated me a bit. I had a feeling he had done something but...not like that." My hold on Jin tightens.
     "Oh god...he...he told you about...about him? A-about our father?"
     I pause for e moment. Their father? He never mentioned their father.
     "Um...what about your father?" I ask, moving my head so that I'm able to look him in the eyes, his slightly teary eyes.

     "That he used to beat us when our mother left him....he..." Jin's eyes widen in realization.    
     "Namjoon didn't tell you that...did he?"

Damn right he didn't.


I have updated! Am I going too fast with things? I apologize for repeatedly asking that, but I just want to make sure it doesn't seem like anything is being rushed.

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