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"I um...I wasn't expecting you to show up...two hours early."

It's 6 o'clock when I hear a knock on my door and open it to see Jungkook, flowers and cake in his hands.
"And you brought flowers...and cake." Jungkook smiles.
"I pictured you as the type of person to like strawberries, so I decided on strawberry cake."
"Oh..um...I do like strawberries Jungkook..it's just...I don't like strawberry flavored things."
Jungkook gives me an odd look. "I know it's strange, but...oh, just forget it. Come in, come in. Don't stand out there like a weirdo."
I grab Jungkook's wrist and pull him inside with me, closing the door and locking it afterwards.
I got into the habit of always locking the door ever since I had Jimin.
"Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea? Water?" He looks at me and looks away, a bit of an embarrassed expression on his face.
I get just a little closer to him. "Jungkook? Is something wrong? You don't have to have anything to drink if you aren't thirsty." I explain to him softly.
"Oh, I-it's not that..it's just..." Jungkook sighs. "Do you have banana milk?" He asks.
I try my best to hold in my laughter. "Go ahead. Let it out. You don't have to hold it in."
I manage to only let out a small giggle. "You drink banana milk Jungkook?"
Jungkook groans and looks away from me. "Yes. I drink banana milk. I've always liked banana milk. I thought I would grow out of it, but I never did. Do you have any or not?"
"As a matter of fact, I do." I walk over to the fridge and grab a carton of banana milk, handing it to Jungkook and ushering for him to have a seat at the counter.
"Before you ask, I always keep some because Jimin likes it. I warm that up for him in his bottle, give it to him before he goes to bed and it knocks him right out. Try giving Taehyung some warm milk. When he can't sleep."
Jungkook looks at me as I talk with that look in his eyes again. That look that makes me feel a certain way.
"D-did you plan on staying here until 8 o-or did you have something else in mind?" I ask him, trying to avoid his eyes.
Jungkook smiles. "You're so cute." I can feel my face heat up. "We could stay here until 8. I wanted to see you a few hours earlier so that we could spend a bit more time together before our date so that things wouldn't be too awkward." Jungkook says, the smile never leaving his face.
Now that I think about it, his smile reminds me of a bunny. It's cute and it suits him.
"I'm sure it wouldn't have been awkward at all. It feels like we've known each other for years." I say, walking over to my keurig to make myself some coffee.
I can hear the smile in his voice as he talks. "I'm glad I'm not the only one that though that way...those cookies look delicious. Did you bake them yourself?"
I turn around and see the plate of cookies I had left on the counter that I meant to put away before taking Jimin to Yoongi's house.
"Oh, yes. I did. I do own a bakery after all. The cookies are my grandmothers recipe."
I walk over to the plate of cookies after I make my coffee, taking a cookie and handing it to Jungkook.
"I know I told you that I don't like strawberry flavored things, but I make the cookies for Jimin. I make them soft enough so that he doesn't have trouble eating them. I think he's starting to teethe though. My poor baby."
Jungkook takes the cookie and takes a bite, his eyes widening and a groan escaping his lips.
"Are they that good? If so, I'll put some in a bag for you. You can share them with Taehyung."
"Oh no. Tae isn't going to be having any of these." Jungkook says.
I look at him with my hands on my hips. "And why not? Tae can have some if he wants to. I'm sure he'd enjoy them just like his dad is enjoying them."
"But...but I wanted to have them to myself." Jungkook says, taking another cookie from the plate and eating it.
"Why do you want them to yourself? They're just cookies."
"I want them to myself because you made them." Jungkook says.
I can feel the blush creeping it's way to my cheeks. "I-I made Jimin. Do you want to keep him to yourself as well?"
Jungkook chuckles as he eats another cookie. I made the right decision with that cookie emoji on his contact.
"I would. He's such a quiet and cooperative baby. Tae is just rebellious."
It's my turn to chuckle at him. "That's because Taehyung is two. I'm sure Jimin might act the same way when he turns two. Right now, I'm going to enjoy the time that he's a baby. You know, I tried to get him to walk yesterday and he started crying because I wouldn't hold him."
Jungkook chuckles at tries to take another cookie. I smack his hand and move the plate of cookies out of his reach.
"I think you've had enough cookies Jungkook." The pout on Jungkook's face makes me laugh as I take a few cookies from the plate and put them in a small bag, putting them in the cabinet to give to Jungkook before we leave.
"How about we move to the living room? I can put on a movie or a TV show of some kind and we can continue to talk in there."
Jungkook flashes me a small smile. "That would be great."
I return the smile, grabbing my coffee cup and pulling him by a few of his fingers into the living room, the two of us sitting on the couch and talking while a movie plays. The entire time, our attention is on each other, the movie long forgotten.

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