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~A year later~


     "No Jimin. No more cookies." "Mmm...cookie?" Sighing, I pick up my two year old, carrying him out of the kitchen and into the living room, setting him down on the floor so he could play with his toys.
     It's been a year now that Jungkook and Taehyung have been living with Jimin and I and I have to say, it's been quite the experience.
     Jimin is trying to speak a lot more and Taehyung is still as quiet as ever.
     Now that Jimin is walking a lot more, he likes to get into bed with Jungkook and I at night instead of staying in his room with Taehyung.
     Jungkook doesn't like that very much because if Jimin comes into bed with us, Taehyung will follow him not too long after.
     I think it's cute. I also think that Jungkook is just a bit sexually frustrated. We haven't been able to do much of anything for the last few months, with Jungkook working at his company, the two of us taking care of the boys and with me at my bakery more until I can hire more employees, we haven't been doing much.
     "Minnie, don't put that in your mouth baby. That's TaeTae's toy."
     "TaeTae?" "Yes baby, that's TaeTae's, now put it down."
     Jimin drops the toy and stands up, looking around on the floor, I'm assuming for his sippy cup.
     After he finds it, he drinks his apple juice and plays with his ear, a sign that he's getting sleepy.
     "Is my baby tired?" It's just been the two of us today. Jungkook took Taehyung to pre-school when he went to work this morning.
     Jimin nods his head as an answer to my question, crawling into my lap where I'm seated on the couch.
     He wines as I hold him in my arms like I did when he was first born, still drinking his apple juice and playing with his ear.
     Hoseok tells me all the time that I've spoiled him, yet it's everyone else that's been around him that has done so.
     Yoongi would always hold him and Namjoon would never let him go. When I met Jungkook and he started to get comfortable with him, he would also take Jimin from me and hold him.
About thirty minutes later, I hear the doorknob wiggle around and within a few seconds, Taehyung and a very tired looking Jungkook walk inside.
"Jinnie!" Taehyung squeals, kicking off his shoes at the door and dropping his little back pack before running over to me.
I shush him, letting him know that Jimin should be going down for a nap very soon.
"Minnie take a nap? Him is sleepy?" Taehyung asks me. "Yes baby. I'm about to take him upstairs to his bed now so he can have his nap. Why don't you help your daddy relax while I take him upstairs, hm?"
Taehyung nods his little head, walking over to Jungkook who just managed to make it into the kitchen to set his briefcase down.
He looks up at me and I smile, mouthing to him that I'll be back as soon as I lay Jimin down.
After I lay Jimin down, making sure his sippy cup is next to him and his pacifier is in his mouth, I leave a crack in his door and walk back downstairs and into the kitchen.
Taehyung is eating a cookie from the plate of cookies I baked earlier and Jungkook seems to have fallen asleep on the kitchen island.
I walk over to him, sitting next to him and laying my head on his shoulder.
He groans and sighs. I'm guessing he's had a long day.
     "How are the cookies TaeTae?" Taehyung doesn't respond to me, only grabbing another cookie after he's finished the first one.
"I'm guessing the cookies are good considering how much him and Jimin like to eat them." Jungkook says tiredly as he sits up.
     I get up and walk towards Taehyung, picking him up and walking towards the stairs as I speak to Jungkook. "Oh, I know they do, they seem to love everything I bake. I'm going to put Taehyung down for a nap with Jimin then I'll shower and come downstairs."
Jungkook simply nods his head and stands from the counter, walking into the living room.
"Tae honey, I'm gonna put you in Jimin's room in your bed so you can take a nap, okay sweetheart?"
Taehyung lays his head on my chest and rubs his eyes, something him and Jimin both do when they're tired.
I smile at him, walking upstairs and into Jimin's room, taking off Taehyung's school clothes and dressing him in some comfortable clothing to nap in.
Taehyung is already half asleep when I've finished changing his clothes, so I carefully lay him down on his bed and cover him with his blanket, kissing his forehead as well as checking on Jimin before I leave the room.
After closing Jimin's door, I go into my own bedroom, taking out my favorite pair of underwear along with one of Jungkook's large T-shirts and go into my bathroom to take my shower.
After starting the shower and getting inside after removing my clothes, I hear the door open and the curtain also opens.
"Jungkook! What are you doing?! Close the curtain and get out!" I whisper yell at Jungkook who had started to take off his clothes.
"Shhhh you'll wake the kids. I need to shower too so let's just shower together." He says as he steps into the shower with me.
He and I both know that's not why he's in here! He showered this morning before going to work!
"Okay fine, but-Ah!" "Shhh. Don't be too loud sweetheart. I'd like to enjoy this before the kids wake up."
Jungkook starts to rub the outside of my lower area before lowering his hand and inserting a finger inside of me. The sensation of having something inside of me after waiting for him all day feels amazing.
     "God you're so wet. You've been waiting for this, haven't you?" "Jungkook we can't do this in here, we don't have any condoms and I am not trying to be pregnant again anytime soon." Jungkook sighs and stops himself from going any further. Did I want it? Yes, yes I did. Am I trying to have another child especially with a man I'm not married to? Of course not. Until I am married, I am not having another child.

After washing myself, I get out of the shower, leaving Jungkook in there to wine at my absence. After drying off and putting on some comfortable clothes, I hear the shower turn off and soon, a soaking wet Jungkook emerges from the bathroom.
     I try not to pay any attention to him as he walks into our bedroom with only that towel wrapped around his waist, his hair dripping wet and- "Jin?". Goddness, what was I doing? "Yes?" Jungkook chuckles as he walks over to me on the bed, leaning down and placing his hands on either side of my thighs; I can feel my face turn a shade of red. "Mm.. you smell good." He says, placing a kiss on my forehead then getting up to change. After he changes, we both decide to take a nap while the kids nap, though I know Jimin won't nap for much longer. As I lay down and close my eyes, Jungkook climbs into bed close to me. He wraps his arms around me, kissing my cheek before he whispers something that sends chills down my spine: "I think I want to marry you Seokjin."


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