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"I think...I think I love him Hoseok. I really do. I just...I don't want to fall in love too early."
"Well obviously you love him Kook. He's your boyfriend, Tae loves him, Jimin loves you, I know for a fact that Jin loves you and I know for a fact that Tae and Jimin have some sort of little bond."
     He's not wrong. Tae is quite attached to Jin. It makes me wonder how he'll be when he's older.
     Jimin still calls me dada which I've gotten used to by now. It's really cute when he's bouncing on my lap and calling me that. Makes me feel like I'm his actual dad.
     Anyway, I'm at Hoseok's house now with Taehyung, two weeks after Jin and Jimin had came to my house and Tae wouldn't let go of Jin.
     Yoongi's here and so is Jimin since Jin had to work today and Yoongi is almost always at Hoseok's house.
     Jimin is playing with Yoongi now, laughing and squealing and being the happy little baby he is while Tae is in my lap quiet.
     "Daddy...I wan Jinnie." Taehyung says, laying his head on my chest and cuddling closer to me.
     "I know Tae, but Jinnie is working right now. You can see him when he comes to get Jimin, okay?"
     Taehyung, being the three year old he is, starts crying...very loudly.
     Standing from my seat in Hoseok's dining room, I pick up my crying three year old and walk around with him, stroking his hair and speaking softly to him to try and get him to calm down a bit.
     "Hey, hey, Jinnie should be here any minute Tae. His shift ended a few minutes ago. Calm down honey." Hoseok tries to help by telling him that Jin'll be here for Jimin a a few minutes, but to no avail, the child still cries.
     He's still crying thirty minutes later when the door opens, Jin and...who the hell is this guy?
     "Holy shit-is that...no way. Felix? Where have you been man?" Yoongi says, getting up from the couch with Jimin, handing him over to Jin as he comes inside.
     "Hi baby! Appa missed you!" Jin says to Jimin as he kisses him all over his face.
     "Jinnie?!" Taehyung yells when he hears Jin's voice, getting out of my hold and running over to him.
     Excuse me, but I'd still like to know who that Felix guy is and why he came in here with my boyfriend.
     "Hi Tae!" Jin takes Tae's hand and leads him over to the couch, sitting down with Jimin on his lap and Taehyung right beside him.
As I'm walking over to Jin, I look over and see that Felix guy glaring at me while talking to Yoongi.
I don't know who the hell this guy is, but he has to go. I don't want him around Jin or our kids.
Taking a seat beside Jin, I pick up Jimin who instantly laughs and giggles. I think I love this baby too much.
Taehyung crawls into Jin's lap, smiling and clapping his little hands.
"I'm about to steal a kiss from your appa Minnie. Don't hit me. Understand?"
Jimin just looks at me with wide eyes as I lean over and steal a kiss from Jin, earning myself a blushing boyfriend and two screaming babies.
"No! No! No! No! No!" Jimin yells, his little baby hands hitting my chest.
"No no! Bad daddy! I have kissy too Jinnie?"Jin smiles and kisses Taehyung on his nose, causing Tae to giggle and look over at me.
"I don't believe we've met before." My smile faded as I look away from Jimin to see that Feliz guy in front of me.
"My name is Felix. I'm one of Jin and Yoongi's friends from high school. It's nice to meet you."
I'm guessing Jin senses my jealousy seeing as he places one of his hands on mine.
"Felix, this is Jungkook,"He leans forward and kisses my cheek. "my boyfriend. This little one is my baby Jimin and this cutie is Taehyung, Jungkook's son."
Felix and I are now glaring at each other. It takes Hoseok clearing his throat to get us to stop.
"How about Yoongi and I take the kids upstairs? Hm?" Hoseok asks as he takes Jimin from me.
     "That would be great Hobi. Tae, can you go with Hobi? The adults need to talk, okay baby?" Jin says to Tae who refuses to let go of him.
     I sigh, leaning over to him and whispering to him. "You'll see Jinnie later Tae. Go upstairs with Hobi for right now. He'll come up and get you later."
     After a few more tries from Jin and I, Tae finally decides to let go of Jin and go upstairs with Yoongi.
     Standing from my spot on the couch, Jin stands up with me and holds one of my arms.
     "What's the matter with you Jungkook? Felix is just a friend of mine. You two need to atop glaring at each other." Jin whispers into my ear.
     "Jungkook, Jin, you guys can stay the night if you'd like since it's getting late. I have another guest room downstairs in the basement. The kids will be fine upstairs." Hoseok says, coming downstairs with Yoongi.
     "I'll take you home Felix. Still the same place?" Felix smiles. "You know it, but I'm not ready yet. I came to see my two favorite people." He says, eyeing Jin as he speaks.
    "Too bad my most favorite is already taken. You know, Jimin is a sweet little angel Jinnie. If only you would have made the right choice back then."
     Jin tightens his grip around my arm and I can feel his body tense up.
     "Felix...don't bring up bad memories, yeah?" Yoongi says, pulling Hoseok on his lap as he sits in a chair in the dining room.
     "Memories that wouldn't be memories if the right choices had been made."
     The hell is he going on about? "Listen Felix, we were young and foolish. We were bound to make mistakes, but my one year old is no mistake. Who his father is was a mistake."
     "I told you about him Jin! I fucking told you that he was a liar and I cheater but you couldn't get that in your fucking head!"
     "Hey! That's enough. There are babies upstairs that do not need to hear this! Felix, I'm taking you home. Now.
     All the while this is happening, Felix and I continue to glare at each other as he and Yoongi leave the house.
     It's then that I notice Jin crying beside me, his grip on my arm tighter than before.
     Hoseok sighs and walks over to us, rubbing Jin's back as he cries.
     "I shouldn't have brought him over here Hoseok. I didn't know Jungkook would be here and I-I didn't expect things to turn out this way."
     "It's okay Jin. I just hope and pray nothing happens in that car while Yoongi takes him home. Here, let me take you guys to the basement to the guest room down there."
     Hoseok takes Jin's hand and leads us both to the basement.
     If I see that Felix guy again, I'm ripping his fucking head off for making my Jin feel the way he feels right now.


     I have updated! You all can expect...a little something in the next chapter or two 😏. I was told about Stray Kids and I am in love with Felix wowkwwjwhwwhwjswn! Also, HAPPY TAEHYUNG DAY! I hope he has the best birthday ever and enjoys many more with Bangtan and ARMY ☺️💜🥳!

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