To join a thousand souls

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All caused by one Hedgehog.


Amy ran straight into the chaos, dodging cars of lucky survivors who were trying to escape the madness. Not a single building wasn't destroyed or broken in some way shape or form. Some were even lit by blue-black flames. Shadow and Sonic both following as best as they could. It was almost impossible to see her, as she dodged debris, she literally blended into the darkness with her inky black fur. The only way they could see her was when she ran close to a burning building or near the headlights of a survivors car. For nearly every street lamp was busted. Sonic tripped over a crack that suddenly appeared in the asphalt.

The crack was slowly growing, getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger... Amy turned around and noticed the small split in the street. Her eyes widened and she growled, raising her hands and bringing them together slowly. The chasm slowly closed back together. Allowing Shadow who was stuck on the other side to cross safely. Sonic got back up and flanked Amy's right side while Shadow ran by her right side. Amy turned right into a alleyway and started to run up the side of one of the buildings, jumping back and forth between another one. Sonic followed her lead whereas Shadow controlled himself to the top of the thirty story building. As soon as Amy and Sonic made it to the top, Shadow flanked Amy's right side. She stopped as if checking a mental map of the city. Where in a way she was.

She sensed her fathers life signature not even three miles from their location slowly moving towards them. "Shadow..." She said softly. Her voice sounding normal compared to her dark sinister sounding voice. "I'm sorry." She jumped off the building towards the street below. She summersaulted through the air for a few seconds, then position herself to where it appeared she would land on the ground feet first. Shadow and Sonic watched in shock as she seeped through the ground like ink through water. Disappearing from sight.

"Amy! No! Wait!" Yelled Shadow, whom was still watching the spot where she sank into the earth.

"Can't you, like, chaos control to her?" Asked Sonic, who had his arms crossed.

Shadow sighed. "For once your right, Faker." He reached for the spot where he kept his ruby chaos emerald. Sadly he felt nothing... "Okay what did you do with it?"

"Do with what?" Asked Sonic.

"My Chaos emerald." Stated Shadow. "What did you do with it?"

"I did nothing with it." Said Sonic defensively holding his hands in the air. Their eyes met both widening in shock once again, as the both shared the same thought.

"Amy!!!" They yelled in union.


Yep, it was true. Amy swiped Shadow's emerald to protect him. Amy emerged from the earth not twenty-five feet from the place her cursed father stood. He looked at her with a lack of interest. "Ah Amelia my dear daughter. It's been awhile." He said without speaking.

"It hasn't been long enough dear father." Stated Amy with a hint of malice in her voice.

Her father sighed without sighing. "I can see your powers have improved without you practicing. I can see you did not take my advice and prepare for this day." He walked forward, towards the spot where Amy stood with her arms crossed. "Now I appear to you to ask to to train under me once more. Join me and we will take this world together."

Falling in love with a shadow... ( A ShadAmy story)Where stories live. Discover now