waking up together

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"Sweet Doe it's time to get up"

Alastor said kissing her neck admiring his bites of ownership. "Five more minutes Al" the princess wined. not wanting to leave the comfort of their warm embrace. The radio host felt himself blush as Charlie lovingly locked him in a cuddle position. Alastor grumbling softly under his breath. He always felt so helpless around Charlie. As if it was near impossible to say no to her.

Eventually, he was able to convince her to let him out of her grasp. And the two lay down facing one another. "Ugh..." Charlie ground clutching stomach. Alastor soon noticed and rubbed her side. "Still feeling the worst of wears". "It's kind of embarrassing actually," the princess said, as her face cheeks pink as she spoke. "Aw come on sweetheart you can tell this old soul anything.". "I got my period last night..." she replied hiding her flustered expression with her hair.

Alastor merely blinked and stared. "You got the end of a sentence?". Charlie removed her hair from her face. "Al you don't know what a period is?".

"The end of a sentence! Or I suppose it could mean an era..."

"Well, it's Uh..."

Charlie thought he needed some slang from his time period.... "I'm on the rag?" She said hoping he understood. Alastor's ears stood up as his eyes widened in realization. "OH! That! It's been so long since I've known a woman intimately. I forgot about that. fascinating..." he said looking down with Charlie quickly closing her legs with a small blush on her face.

The deer demon chuckled and replied "Well we certainly can't live you like this" he scurried over to the edge of the bed and pulled out a soft fluffy blanket from a nearby cabinet. Wrapping it around Charlie as she rested on his lap, burying her face in his chest, she held him close making sounds of contentment. Alastor smiled looking down at his doe petting her hair. He hated it when she was hurt in anyway... A part of him wanted her to stay here in his hideout, knowing that she'd be safe from everyone. He just wanted her to be happy and well-cared for.moments like often made the Tyrant wonder what he did to deserve a blessing like her. She really was such an angel

Purring softly, Charlie let out a satisfied sigh. Snuggling closer to her mate's chest. "So does it come out all at once... Or does it fall drop by drop?"
The stag demon asked out of nowhere. "Al..."Charlie giggled as she held him close. "I'm just gathering information. What if we have a daughter someday?" Charlie blushed and looked up.


Alastor smile widens...


The rest of the day went about as follows.... The couple met up with their friends. Charlie was tending to a new tenant at the hotel. He started a few months ago along with his wife and seems eager for redemption. Which made Charlie very happy. As the afternoon rolled in Alastor had to leave for one of his live broadcasts. Meaning he would be back late, this time promising not to return covered in the life essence of other demons. "I'll be back by nightfall my sweet" the Stag demon said kissing his mate on the cheek. Charlie smiled as he walked out the door.

The Princess went about gathering information on positional tenants with Vaggie helping her. "Well, we've been getting a lot of emails from some guy Named.... Jack." The Moth demon said looking over her phone. Charlie's eyes lit up. "Like Jack the Ripper?" She asked. Vaggie just sat down and gave her a look. "Charlie do you have any idea how many weirdos claim to be Jack the Ripper? And there's no address so I can't verify it.*sigh* Probably just another stupid prank" she replied setting the device down.

The Hellspwn sat back on her office chair and sighed. "Well thanks for helping out and we can only hope things will get better tomorrow," Charlie said smiling at her friend yet her tone held a bit of sadness. "Hey just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean we can't still be there for each other" Vaggie said in a sincere voice as the blonde spoke up.

I have friends in holy spaces (a Charlastor story)Where stories live. Discover now