a limousine ride down memory lane

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Two weeks flew by in a flash. The afternoon rolled in, as the blood-red sky slowly faded away into a calm crimson starlit horizon over the hotel.
Charlie gingerly brushed her hair as she sat quietly. Her ball gown hung proudly on her dresser. Nifty spent quite a long time on it. The Princess happily slipped into it and twirled to admire her new outfit.

It was a modest look, a reddish-pink dress that faded into a gentle white with black gloves to match. Her hair was curled up with a black rose that Alastor had given her. She smiled at her reflection happy with the dress she wore. But she soon noticed a little picture stuck to the side of the vanity's mirror. It was an old photo of a family outing from when she saw little. Charlie sighed and looked back at the memory Back when her father expected her to be nothing more than his little ray of sunshine........Things were so simple, they were so close, so happy. She wishes it could be like that again but.... It can't.

*knock knock*

"Charlie what the Hell are you standing around for your going to be late!!!" Vaggie voice quickly pulled her back to reality. The other girl urged her to put on her shoes, shortly after. Vaggie grabbed the princess's arm and dragged her to the lobby. Alastor was waiting with the limousine service right outside.

"Ah! There she is!" Alastor says as they approached offering his arm. Charlie happily took. "Thank you, my dear," the Stag demon said referring to veggie. The Moth demon giving thumbs in response. It made Charlie happy to see the two get along even just a little bit.

"You sure you and Angel can handle things while we're gone?" Charlie asked.

"Speaking of which.... Where is that effeminate fellow? I haven't heard a sex joke all day" Alastor added noticing the spider demon's absence

"Uhg! I don't know! He's probably off doing pron star stuff... Now go! You wouldn't wanna keep the king waiting" Vaggie said as she practically shoved the two into the limousine.

The couple waved goodbye as the hotel soon faded out of sight. They were headed straight for the palace... Charlie's childhood home.

"It's a long way to the palace my dear. Why don't we do something to help pass the time?" Alastor suggested... It was a solid Two hours before arrived at there destination and He wouldn't want his doe to look like she was bored half to death by the time they got there.

The Princess thought for a moment and smiled. "Yeah ok, what did you have in mind?" She asked always happy to go along with her stag's ideas. "Let’s play a game," he suggested, looking at her fondly.
"It's called two lies one truth. You tell me two lies and one truth about yourself and I'll try to guess the truth" Alastor explained. "Then we'll switch"

Having something to do during a car ride was essential for Alastor despite what some may say he always concerned boredom as one of his worst enemies....and it was a great way to connect with each other better. with a push of a button, He activated the limousine's privacy divider. In case things got too personal. Which they often did especially with these two.

Charlie bit the bottom of her lips. It sounded fun but it also made her nervous she didn't really like opening up about her past life but she didn't want to upset Alastor either.... "alright!" She agreed happily. What was one little game gonna revile? She decided to start with something simple. "Ok... So I like musicals, I like to drink often. Uh.... I've never had a pet."

She did like musicals, so that was a truth. And didn’t indulge in drinking, for the fact last time she nearly destroyed Hell and was running around naked. And she did have a pet, several hundreds if one couldn’t Hellhound guards as pets. Which to her, they were and they adored her so. 

I have friends in holy spaces (a Charlastor story)Where stories live. Discover now