History's most dysfunctional family (epilogue)

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Art by: alexandrajbt on Instagram

The air was calm, the atmosphere was quiet... And the party had ended over an hour ago....

Lucifer stood alone on his balcony as he smoked a cigarette, with a bottle of his finest wine at his side. He needed a moment to calm down and settle himself, he was so reviled that his daughter actually forgave him. The last thing he wanted was for him and Charlie to have the same relationship with his own father. No. He wasn't going to allow history to repeat itself.

He let out a puff of smoke as he felt that same damm wind again only this didn't choose to ignore it....

As the aura grew closer, Lucifer felt warmth and a brilliant glow. It felt like his birthplace of haven

The king swiftly extinguished the flame of his cigar and spoke keeping his back turned.

"Alright you can cut the cheesy parlor tricks," He said.

No reply.....

The former arc angel. Rolled his eyes and took a look around.

"I know you're here... Come on. It's time to show yourself."

At that moment wind rushes as the flap of angel wings could be heard from behind and heavenly glow shined almost blinding the king of sinners. To reveal a figure nearly identical to him, he was wearing a suit of pure white and shades of amber, with eyes that resembled two pools of gold, this was no mortal he was divine.

The dark Lord turned to face the entity, whom of which he knew all too well.

"Hello Michael" he greeted

"What? too cool to call me Mike any more..." The ach angel said shrugging childishly.

"Oh I'm sorry....adorable Nicknames are reserved for family that didn't turn their backs on me. And I don't know banish me to Hell?!" He said in a sarcastic tone.

Michael flinched slightly as his brother spoke, his expression turning to one of embarrassment.

"Your not still mad about that are you?" He asked innocently, rocking himself on his heels as he did.

Lucifer took a swig of his drink, gulping down every last drop, before looking into his eyes and saying

"What do you think?"

Michael took a step closer looking him with sincerity,

"Look I get your pissed! I know I haven't been the best brother to you... And I was gonna visit you after Dad kicked you out of haven. But then.....a day, turned to a week, which turned into a thousand years.... And after a while, it just felt weird."

The angel replied in a somewhat embarrassed manner, earning him an annoyed look from the dark lord.

"You think?" He shot back

Michael sighed as he stepped closer and grabbed him by the shoulders to get his attention...

"You're my brother Luc, I'd never turn my back on you"

The fallen angel stared at him with a cold and blunt expression as he said nothing, as soon as thought that his worries where over his bother shows up out of the blue with something to say.... As he wasn't already emotionally drained already.

He backed away, as he gave him a look.

"I already got off an emotionally rollercoaster.... I don't need you and dad to get thrown into the mix..."

"Lucifer wait-"

"I'm not interested in any anything dad has to say.... so feel free to leave-"

"Azrael says hi"

I have friends in holy spaces (a Charlastor story)Where stories live. Discover now