wing boner

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Art by: nitemilia on Twitter

The same cold heavenly breeze that blew past the king was ever so percent, it was somewhat comforting as Charlie stood alone in her father's garden. Looking up at the night sky as she sobbed thinking, thinking about all the horrible things people have been saying about Alastor, her love.... She had always considered the idea but he would never....would he?

Alastor always held a guilty expression every time someone brought up the very notion of him using making her believe that he might have had the idea in the past but not anymore.... Otherwise how he was behaving wouldn't make any sense.

"There you are starlight!" Alastor called out using one of the many nicknames he had given her.

She supposed now was finally a good time to put her suspensions to rest. "Al?..." she called. "Yes, sweetheart?" He responded immediately.

"When you first sought me out...were you planning on using me?" Charlie asked all of a sudden, "Even when we got together...did you still plan on it?"

If this were a cartoon the sound effect of screeching tires coming to a halt would have played as the deer demon stared down at her, unblinkingly and motionless for a solid 30 seconds.

He had to make a decision. Was he honest with Charlie or should he lie? The truth would really only hurt her and more than likely hurt him so what good was it? But this was also Charlie and he loved her. How could he let her believe this lie about the start of their own relationship?

Deflection. Yes, deflecting was very good. He'd do that.

"Why, Princess, why would you even ask such a thing? Does it even really matter?" Alastor reached out taking both of her hands in his gently. "We're together now and I certainly hope you know I hold no malicious intentions toward you!"

He said with a smile. But the princess's eye off a look of sincerity. "I want you to be honest with me Alastor...." she spoke softly, ready to accept what he had to say.

"I am being honest, sweetheart! I certainly have no bad intentions towards you!" he leaned in and cutely rubbed his nose against hers.

When he pulled back, he could see she from her expression that she was not pleased with his lackluster response. There was a small sigh from the deer demon and he let go of her hands.

"Very well! It is possible that my intentions when I first sought you out were not.... pure," Alastor admitted reluctantly.

Charlie's eyes soften as she replied."...I had a feeling." She murmured, "Someone who is high powered wouldn't seek me out just for no reason."

Charlie knew, in the beginning, that the deer demon wanted something from her. Her arms wrapped around her middle, "Why lie to me?"

"I assure you if I had just come up to the front door and told you what I wanted you wouldn't have just given it to me," Alastor explained his need for secrecy.

His tone softened a bit and he reached out, gently touching her arm. "But it's not like that anymore. I just want to be with you, Charlie. I-," he paused. He really didn't want his first time telling her he loved her to be this moment. Not what was probably the start of some kind of fight. He could feel it.

"-I really care about you," Alastor finished.

Alastor hadn't done anything to lie to her, not really but it still made her upset. It made her wonder what else he had lied to her about and she could feel the anger swell through her but she stomped it out, "Have you lied to me since then? It makes me truly wonder if you really do want to be with me. Most people's intentions are to hurt me, use me like some little toy or pawn"

I have friends in holy spaces (a Charlastor story)Where stories live. Discover now