sympathy for the devil

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Art by: Ianrotta on Twitter.

"What the Hell was that!?" Lilith exclaimed, looking down at her husband. "Can you believe the way she spoke to me?" Lucifer replied clearly not listening, as he paced around the room.

"Answer the danm question Lucifer..." The queen said with a sturn tone of voice.

The former arc angel looked back at his wife as he felt a lump in his throat. He knew Lilith wasn't going to like what he had to say but she would surely understand that it was out of fatherly love.... Right? "I may have invented Alastor to the palace with plans to uh... Expose him". Lilith rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh.
"So you tried to get a confession out of him that's rich..." The mother of demons replied in a sarcastic manner. "Well, it would have worked! If Charlotte hadn't-". "Charlie didn't do anything wrong," Litith said defensively as the king groaned in annoyance. "Why is she so insistent we call her that? Is the name I gave her not good enough!". The queen gave her husband a harsh glance before speaking up.

"Stop acting like you and Charlie are so different! You would certainly get upset if sinners started to calling by your real name, Satanel"

"Lilith please...." Lucifer's eyes grew wide as he kept his back turned. The demoness walks up to him and spoke in a calm, soothing voice. "Before you were the Devil you were Satanel, the Morningstar. God's brightest angel."

"Lilith...." The king sighed. "You and Charlie were a lot alike. Chasing down your dreams, no matter how big or ridiculous!" The two of them laughed as if they were looking back an old, distant memory and the queen's tone turned serious once more. "She gets that from you....She looks up to you. And if you keep pushing her away she might not let you back in her life." Lilith said, stroking the former arc angel's rosie red cheek with her soft hands as her partner let out a small sigh.

"What if I don't want her to be like me," the dark Lord said with a voice of sadness and regret. Lilith recognized his tone quickly put a hand on his shoulder as a form of comfort. "Oh, Luci....". The king sat down and rubbed his forehead. "Every horrible thing that's ever happened to humanity the wars, the floods, COPPA! I get blamed for! .... Do really think that I want that for our little girl No! she not strong enough-". "Hush Luci, I know you're worried... But you must admit she's gotten this far own! And with the radio demon by her side. I think it's safe to assume she'll be able to settle down (finally)."

Lucifer was starting to feel a little better that is until Lilith mentioned Alastor. "Right.... Charlie's new pet. I'm still rather skeptical about that. Wasn't she dating that eye patch girl?... What was it? Veggie?" He asked, scratching the back of his head.
"It's Vaggie and no. The two have broken up over a year ago" the queen replied leaving the king baffled. "Didn't you get Charlie's email explaining the station?". Lucifer nervously bat his eyes in the other direction. Too embarrassed to admit that he didn't even know his daughter had sent him an email he was also trying to process the fact that his spawn was practically hopping from demon to demon. Noticing her husband's quite state Lilith decided to help clear the air. "Oh Luci I know you don't like that Charlie is moving from relationship to relationship but you have to understand she's trying to find someone right for her," she said attempting to calm him.

"I mean I had to endure a terrible break up with Adam and even had a little 'fling' with Eve...Before I finally decided to marry you"


"Look all I'm trying to say is.... Charlie is growing up, moving forward with her life, I know you regret the way you treated her over the years but we can't change the past the best you can do is be there for her now... And expect her for who she really is" Lilith explained.

The king remained silent, he often saw himself in Charlie from her warm personality and her angelic wings that he forced her to hide. It reminded him of a simpler, happier time before the fire and before the fall. A part of his life he tried so desperately to forget however he let his pride cloud his judgment and it pushed his daughter away. Perhaps now was finally time fix it.

"Ok," the king agreed feeling Lilith's soft hands on his face once more, locking their eyes together.

"You know you are right about one thing Charlie won't be like you..... She'll be better" the demoness said with a smile giving her husband a tender kiss.

Such a sweet moment and the dark Lord finally had the courage to admit he was wrong about his daughter and maybe even apologize. But first, a burning question lingered in the back of his mind......

"So.... You and Eve?"

"Luci calm down it was just a phase"

The queen simply rolled her eyes and giggled kissing her husband on the forehead leaving him love stuck...

I have friends in holy spaces (a Charlastor story)Where stories live. Discover now