a message from the king

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A new day in Hell and already the princess (after reading the contents of the letter) was bending over backward to try and get through...

Charlie found Alastor, minding his own business, and flopped herself right across his lap face down. No warning, no words, just appeared like a worn-out rag doll thrown from a passing vehicle onto the road.

Now, this was a rarity! Usually, it was him demanding attention.

The deer demon looked down from his paperwork to the Princess laying across his lap. He was sitting on one of the couches out in the lobby area, working on radio show stuff casually when he had magically acquired the young lady on his lap.

He opened his mouth to speak but thought better of it and just reached down with one hand and gently pet her hair.

Charlie internally smiled at the feeling of Alastor petting her hair, however, that didn't stop the elongated groan from escaping her lips. She then proceeded to flail about, almost as if she was having a temper tantrum, before becoming still once more. If anyone had passed by, they truly would have assumed that someone must have switched Charlie's and Alastor's essences and placed them into the opposite body.

It was quite humorous

Flopping over onto her back, Charlie looked up at Alastor with a look that spoke volumes. Exhaustion, frustration, and dejection.

Alastor set his papers aside while she moved about and then turned his attention back to her, giving her 100%. He gently reached down and swept some of her hair behind her ear gently with his claws.

"And what exactly has my darling Princess so upset today?" he asked, tilting his head slightly as he waited for her response.

Charlie heaved a heavy sigh, closing her eyes as she leaned her face into his lower abdomen, seeking out his warmth and comfort.

"It's honestly nothing. Just...another guest decided to leave after a private session with me earlier today. They assured me that it wasn't anything I was or wasn't doing, that they just weren't ready to cut ties with their family here in Hell, but I can't help thinking as failed them somehow."

He wrapped his arms around her when she straddled his lap, gently rubbing her back.

"If they weren't ready, they weren't ready! Nothing you can do about that, sweetheart," Alastor said, not really understanding why she was blaming herself if they really had just left because of their family. That certainly had nothing to do with Charlie.

The Princess suddenly clambered upward, straddling Alastor's lap before wrapping her arms around his neck. She rested her chin on his shoulder, effortlessly hiding her face from him, though her distress could still be recognized through her voice.

"I also got a letter from my father. It was delivered yesterday."

"Oh?" he raised a brow, his interest more peaked by this letter. "And what exactly did this letter entail?"

Charlie dug a hand into her jacket and pulled out a neatly folded letter. She handed it to Alastor to personally read. It was quite pristine looking, the writing constructed with patience, the Magne family crest printed at the top of the paper.

My Darling Charlotte,

I hope this letter finds you well my beloved daughter. I regret to inform you that my first contact with you after so long must be under these circumstances. It has come to my attention that you have been seen in intimate circumstances with a demon of high class. While your mother insists that it is none of my business. I can't help but feel like my interference is necessary. You've made a fool of yourself multiple on occasions and I won't allow this man to take advantage of your nativity. I am inviting you and... Alastor to the annually Morningstar ball to address your courtship as per tradition. You are the heir to my throne, Charlotte and I expect you to start acting like it.

Sincerely, the Lord of Hell
Your father Lucifer Magne

The Radio Demon’s smile, while still there, became less prominent. He read the letter over wondering what it meant for Charlie, himself, and them.

Clearly, her father felt he had ill intentions towards his daughter, and to his credit at one point he did. But that was no longer the case. He had no desire to ever hurt Charlie in any way.

"That is concerning," Alastor admitted. "What are you going to do?"

"You mean besides telling him to mind his own business?" The Princess replied with a frown

Charlie leaned her head further against Alastor’s neck, tightening her arms around him.

"I honestly don't see what his problem is? Who I chose to be intimate with is none of his concern.... And even if I'm making the biggest mistake of my life. Which I don't believe I have" she said glancing at her lover, earning a smug smirk from the radio demon. " It's still my decision to make and No one can talk me out of my word " she continued sounding sure of herself.

Alastor smiled, looking at her with pride. Her confidence had grown along with her wit and charm. He felt happy to be part of her life... But this latest development would soon complicate things.

At The thought Charlie's eyes gave off a look at fear and uncertainty. "he'll probably try to bribe you away or worse kill you''

"Hm.... Perhaps your father just needs to meet me! See just how well we work together? I say we take his offer and attend his ball After all I can be very persuasive...." The radio host replied with a toothy grin. Charlie smiled at him. Happy to know he was on board with her feelings. But she still wasn't sure this was for the best. "Al, you do realize this means we're gonna have to make our relationship public right?" The deer demon let a sigh. "I am aware sweetheart.... And trust I trust me I hate it as much as you do.... but for you dearest I will endure anything" he said taking both her hands and kissed them. It was true.... Going pubic would certainly make things more complicated. In all honesty, he was starting to understand why Vaggie was so protective of Charlie... But at least she didn't have masses of dangerous overlords eyes her every move waiting for even the tiniest mistake.

The Princess nodded and gave Alastor a sweet grin. "So it's settled then! We're going then. I will be there in my most charming behavior!" The radio host replied with confidence.

Charlie smiled and laughed, always entertained by Alastor’s quips and genuine personality. While she was sure others found him to be annoying, and yes he could very well be abrasive when he wanted to be. she honestly wouldn’t change a thing about him.

Kissing him once more, she let her eyes stay at the Stag demon when she pulled back, her gaze soft and loving.

"Honestly Al, all I want you to be is yourself. I didn’t fall in love with one of those knights in shining armor we read about in fairytales as kids or someone whose natural inclination is to have their head so far up my father’s arse they get lost," Charlie reached up and tweaked the tip of Alastor’s ear fondly, "I fell in love with you and I don’t want you to be anyone else, even if that means my father’s disapproval."

"Very well then, sweetheart.  I will simply be myself then," Alastor agreed. 

That was easy enough to do.  And it was sweet to hear that Charlie felt that way about him.  This gal, this gal, that he had planned on using when he first sought her out, had fallen in love with him for who he was and, in a surprising turn of events, he had fallen for who she was, too.  And he wouldn’t want her to be anyone else either for anyone else. 

"I love you, Charlie," he told her, reaching out and gently petting her hair. 

The party was two weeks from now. Winch gave them plenty to prepare. Alastor will get nifty to sew Charlie a dress. She was sure to be the Bell of the ball and he made a note to clear his schedule for the ball. Yes, sir, everything will according to plan  (until doesn't it....)

Awesome artwork by Ashleynicolesart

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