royally screwed

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There was bright flashes of light accompanied by quiet murmuring and whispers.... The rumors were true Lucifer's daughter the heir to his throne was on the arm of a feared  tyrant.

"Princess? How would you describe your relationship with the radio demon?"

"Is it true you two were seen kissing at the fair?"

"Does your mother know about your kinship with the overlord?"

"How does the king feel about this?"

"Well uhhh...." Charlie's expression went from worried to shocked, she hasn't seen this many people want to interview her since she was dating Seviathan! Although a part of her knew that he took pleasure in all the attention.

Alastor said nothing, standing by her side whole time, giving off a death glare to anyone that dread to ask anything too personal or inappropriate. The radio host was soon approached by a reporter, pen, and notepad in hand, "So Mr. Alastor... How do you think the king will react? Considering your history and everything" the demon asked, heading straight to the question, Alastor thought about it for a moment, he wasn't really sure.... It was the main reason they were here after all. He about to reply when all of sudden a dark percents was felt.

It was cold, intimidating and powerful. Nearly everyone fell silent, the couple turned to the front entrance, and there he was the Lord of darkness, ruler of the damned, Lucifer Mange. Everyone looked timid as he approached with Lilth at his side, no one even bothered to question him, they knew full well what he was here for. "Charlotte! It's good to see you!" The former arc angel greeted before his gaze landed on his Daughter's companion. "And I see you brought....Him....." He continued, this glare cutting through the silence. "Lucifer! It's been a long time old friend" Alastor said smiling. "It's only been fifty years but hey! who's counting?" He shot back, with a toothy grin, his eyes giving off a look of anger.

Lilith ran over to her daughter, wrapping her in a warm hug. "Oh, Charlie looked at you! Your beautiful!" The queen said, kissing Charlie's forehead. "Mom..." the Hellspwn wined feeling a little embarrassed at the comment, she brushed it off and realized she hadn't properly included her date yet. "Oh, I totally forgot! Mom this is Al! You've probably heard him. He tried to overthrow dad once... Hehe...." Charlie said not intending to make things more awkward than already were.

Lilth gave a small smile, and glared at Alastor she wasn't really fond of the radio demon and his reputation but he seemed to be making an effort for Charlie and that was a good enough reason for Lilth to give him a chance. He's made Charlie so happy and really that's all a mother wants for her child. "I have to say, Charlie... Gaining the trust of a feared tyrant isn't an easy fete" Lilith said sounding quite impressed. She was especially happy that her daughter was able to seduce a powerful entity like Alastor, as the embodiment of lust, she felt pride that her offspring was able to pull off such a thing all the while Charlie was giving her mother a sheepish smile.

"Yes we're very happy you brought home a cannibalistic serial killer," Lucifer said sarcastically, rolling his eyes in a childish manner. Lilith quickly nudged her husband, clearly not too happy with how he was behaving.

The night was getting colder while winds began to blow as more guests arrived. "Well I suppose we should step inside the festivities are to start soon" Lucifer informed them, the group silently agreed, Alastor headed inside with Charlie on his arm, with the queen right behind. The dark Lord was keeping a particularly close eye on Alastor, as the king was walking in, a strong gust of wind blew over, nearly blowing off the hat atop his head as a pure white feather leaned on his shoulder, the king shrugged walking inside as he sensed a familiar presence it almost felt heavenly.

I have friends in holy spaces (a Charlastor story)Where stories live. Discover now