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If you be my star, I'll be your sky

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If you be my star, I'll be your sky.

For as long as Harper could remember she had always had a fascination with the stars, they were calming and a constant companion that remained out of reach to all the problems surrounding her. The night sky created a sense of safety for Harper, feeling as though she was never truely alone. As she grew, they seemed to become more important especially now in this new world, they provided her with a familiarity that she is desperate to cling onto.

Harper pushed her hair out of her face as the wind continued to blow, watching the night sky change colours signifying dawn. It was time to return to the others with the supplies she had gathered, hopefully they were safe where she left them, although with tribes like the locos around nowhere was truely safe.

Pulling on her signature jacket and securing her backpack, Harper jumped over the ledge beginning to climb down the buildings ladder, sirens rang in the background, a constant reminder of how unsafe the city had become. Harper knew she had to be quick, running as fast as she could, navigating herself out of sight of the locos and demon dogs.

Harper could tell she was getting close to the others, hearing bob barking and the kids playing. It brought a small smile to her face, even in times like these at least the young ones could enjoy themselves. Entering the small playground area Harper was taken aback, Salene was sitting down, near her were two strangers. "Salene, what's going on?"

All three of them whipped their heads around quickly. She could see that the strangers had no identifying makers relating to any of the big tribes. Who are they.

"Cloe ran off, these two found her. This is Amber and-" Salene's response was cut off as Harper was attacked in a hug from the three kids, bob running around them in circles happy to see her again. She laughed embracing the children, sighing in relief that they were unharmed. Only just registering what Salene had said she pulled away softly, holding on to Cloe's arms as the others removed themselves to continuing playing.

"Hun, what did I say about staying put especially when Salene has to look after the three of you?" she bent down so she was eye level with Cloe's, searching her eyes with concern and checking her over to ensure she wasn't harmed. A sense of worry flooded her system, a feeling that she often found herself possessing since the virus. Cloe looked down for a seconded, glancing back up at Harper.

"I know, I just-" she didn't really have a response, feeling guilty for worrying Harper. Tears began to brim her doe eyes, threatening to spill.

"Hey, hey, sweetie look at me, it's okay this time, you're safe yeah?" pulling Cloe close to her again, rubbing her back soothingly. Harper looked past Cloe's shoulder sending a polite smile to the two new people, "Amber and.." leaving an opening in her response, searching for the name she was missing.

"Dal, my names Dal" the younger stranger blurted out in response. Perhaps a little too quickly. Raising an eyebrow Harper looked at the other two females, the three of them sharing a small look of amusement.

Giving him a small smile Harper continued her sentence, "Amber and Dal kept you safe and brought you back, so right now we are both very grateful to them, isn't that right" she concluded, giving Cloe a knowing smiling prompting one in response along with really fast head nods. "Alright, go and play, I know you want to" she wiggled her eyebrows, making Cloe giggle as she ran off.

Harper walked over to the other teens, "Really though, thank you so much for protecting her. I'm Harper, by the way" she introduced herself, holding out a hand for them to shake. "It's nice to meet some people who aren't trying to hurt us" she half-joked, trying to create a lighter atmosphere.

"Of course, it wasn't an issue" Dal responded, despite his earlier hesitation with following Cloe. "I'll scout around see if I can find some shelter" Dal offered, nodding his head at Amber, confirming that their current situation was alright despite his earlier thoughts.

"Okay, I'll share the food" Amber said looking to the others.

Harper agreed, as she began to remove her backpack, "Yeah, I've got a little that I just collected, we'll share that as well".

"Yeah you'd better friend, you'd just better", a new demanding voice echoed throughout the area. "See I own this sector and you're trespassing, but I'll tell you what, I'm feeling generous today. Why don't you just give me the bags and I'll say no more about it" he continued gesturing towards the bags Amber and Harper were holding. Harper gave him a look of disbelief, as if, there was no way she would hand over her bag, it contained things much more important to her than just food.

The newcomer met her eyes with a hard stare, "Oh and don't try running you might get away, but they won't" he sneered, gesturing towards the children. Bob barking in protest as the kids cowered. How dare he, Harper thought as she moved protectively in front of the children. Standing strong , returning his intense glare.

"Who are you, I don't recognise your tribe" Amber challenged, looking him up and down.

His face faltered a little but he soon regained confidence, "don't tell me you've never heard of-" he was cut off by the other male stranger shaking his again frantically, "what?"

Pointing behind him the male shouted "locos". Chaos ensues, shouts coming from all directions. Multiple people arrive, seemingly out of nowhere, the three strangers ran off being chased by locos.

"Let's get out of here" Dal cried out running in the opposite direction, everyone following his lead. Harper decided to stay behind everyone, rounding the children up and pushing them forward, grabbing onto Paul and Patsy's hands as quickly as she could, seeing Amber doing the same with Cloe she gave her a nod of gratitude. Running in the direction of safety. Hopefully.


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Yay! First chapter done. Just a little chapter, not quite a full episode but I'm attempting to work out my word count, etc. I hope you, enjoy it feel free to give me some tips. At the top you will also find Harpers outfit.

P.S. I know I have to do some editing but I was so excited.

Thank you xx

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