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Baby, please don't lose your faith in the good earth

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Baby, please don't lose your faith in the good earth.

Harper giggled along with the kids as they enjoyed Bray's magic tricks. The kids turned to her in excitement showing her the coins he had given them. She glanced at Bray her lips twitched up a little as he gave her a small smile. Maybe she had misjudged him earlier in her adrenaline filled brain. He was great with kids. Everyone clapped as he took a bow.

Of course, Lex had to come and ruin the kid's fun. "I thought I told you to put a guard on the sewer, who's this?" he asked puffing his chest clearly not caring, just trying to seem dominant in the conversation.

"Bray, he does tricks," Patsy replied innocently, unaware of the tension in the room.

Lex's hidden threat didn't go unnoticed as he spoke, "I don't like tricks Bray".

Great another pissing contest. Harper rolled her eyes, "leave it Lex, he just wants shelter".

"Can't speak for himself, we've already got one deaf one here, Bray are you dumb?" Lex spat. Harper stood up in protest. How dare he.

Before she could yell at him Bray responded, "I don't shoot my mouth off; you call that dumb" giving Lex an implying look. Harper snickered along with Oli, both unsuccessfully hiding it as Harper shared a look of agreement with Bray.

Lex glared back stalking around the table "This guys, been hanging around here spying on us," trying to get the group on his side, "did he tell you that's his trick," turning to address Bray, "Why have you been spying on us Bray?"

Bray's eye's skittered round the room not fully making eye contact with anyone, which Harper found slightly suspicious. "I told them, I had to be sure it was safe".

"safe for what, so you and your tribe can muscle in" Lex stood there crossing his arms.

"I don't have a tribe"

"Unlucky for you because we have"

"That's enough Lex" Harper spoke up, tired of the conversation that wasn't really leading anywhere. As they continued to debate Harper zoned out, still on the fence about everything, not the Bray situation in particular but everything as a whole. Everybody needs people these days especially for survival, but they were all strangers in a world with no rules, who was to say what was the right or wrong choice.

Harper stood up "he hasn't threatened us or tried to steal from us, unlike you Lex" Harper interjected staring him down before saying goodnight to everyone. They knew where she stood on the situation. Oli joined her, knowing that she was too inside her head right now to be around the group hoping to help her as much as possible.


Waking the next morning only made it worse. Bray had left taking some of their food and no sign of his return. Standing in the café, Harper felt annoyed mostly at herself. But also, at Lex who kept running his mouth about how he was right and questioning Ambers leadership. He's comments about Amber being distracted by Bray and his good looks cause her to lash out. "Whoa, Amber calm down," Harper said in a level voice, grabbing her arms to stop her attacking Lex, "everyone, calm down".

"I have no idea how any of you have survived this long, you all have more luck than you deserve," Lex snapped, "my bet is Mr wonderful will be back only this time there will be others, and if you want me to protect you, you do as I say". A loud creak of a door echoed throughout the Mall, everyone on high alert.

The sound of footsteps turned everyone's attention to the stairs. Harper moved forward to defend the children from a possible threat. Still on edge she relaxed her shoulders letting out a sigh of relief when she saw who it was. There stood Bray hand in hand with a purple haired girl and a taller guy standing behind them, slightly obstructed from view.

"Everyone," Bray broke the confusion, addressing the group, "this is Trudy and Nathaniel".

"I know what that is, that's a baby," Pasty interjected pointing toward Trudy's stomach. How did she miss that, Harper thought.

"That's right, we need a safe place to stay," Bray stating looking towards Nathaniel who stayed silent studying the group of strangers Bray had brought them to, "We've been on the move for weeks, she needs somewhere to have the baby and this is the safest place we've found".

His eyes pleaded with the group looking for help, he knew he'd found it when he looked in Harper's eyes but before she could speak up Lex did, "no".

"and you speak for the whole group do you?"

Nathaniel scoffed to himself, of course they weren't going to let them stay. He was surprised when the lilac haired girl with stars paint on her faced spoke up.

"Seriously Lex? She's heavily pregnant girl who clearly needs help, we all do these days. Who are you to say no? You talk the big talk about survival but clearly you only mean for yourself if you're not willing to let in people the need the help. Give it a rest you're not in charge here, this is a democracy not a dictatorship" Harper ended her speech, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Oli walked towards her at took her hand in a show of solidarity.

"Does she want to stay?" Amber queried after a few moments of silence as everyone took in Harpers words.

"I've got a name," Trudy responded.

"Sorry do you want to stay Trudy?"

"Yes," she responded immediately turning her eyes to the group, "Please?"

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