Get Well Soon Hazel....

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Hazels P.O.V

So I was walking home from the mall it was about 8 pm .

I was half way up my street and I looked behind me because I heard a voice , someone in black ran up to me I dropped my bags and started to run away but they were faster .

They caught up with me pushed me to the ground and started hitting me and kicking me .

Then he/she pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the shoulder and ran away  .

I lay there bleeding to death all night .

Everything got dark and my eyes shut and I passed out ....

Lukes P.O.V

So I decided to go to the gym at about 9 in the morning because I wanted to work out  .

So I got up and went down stairsni started off with a healthy morning smoothie with berries in .

I got it and walked out and began walkimg down the street past hazles house and I hadnt talked to her in a while , ill call her whem im at the gym .

I said to myself .

I say something laying on the grass up the road , I walked up further and it was a body so I ran up and got closer.

I seen there was blood.

So I got even closer then noticed that it was hazel I ran up and fell to my neighs .

"HAZEL "I shouted I started shaking her and I started to find there the blood was coming from .

I took my top off wripped it in half and made a bandage and wrapped it aroumd her arm .

I pulled out my phone and dialled .
(A/N I dont know what the Australian emergency number is so ill iust put the American one )

'911 '

Then I called beau and jai "come down the srreet quick no questions its an emergency. "

I said to both of them .

They both came running down the street and seen me holding someone crying.

Then they got here and saw it was hazel beau dropped and started crying and jai ran up and put his hand on the bleeding .

At the hospital ...

So we all got to the hospital and I rang Mindy (hazlez mum ) and said

"Mindy its luke hazles in hospital she was stabbed come straight away ."

She got here within  5 mins and ran In crying .

Me, Beau and jai were by her bed beau and I held her hands .

Beau was asleep holding it but you could still see the tears coming out of his eyes.

Five days later...

Beaus P.O.V

Hazle is still in a coma and me, luke, jai and mindy have sat by hazle for 5 days without sleeping , I refuse to go home untill zhe is coming home with me ...

We heard a voice saying

"B..e..a..u... I...want...beau... I ... want... my ....boys..."

It was hazel I smiles and kissed her hand and said

"Hazel were here im always here  .."

She tried to smile .

It was so cute I leaned over and kissed her , she tried to kiss me back but she had just woke up from a 5 day coma and couldnt move. 

Her mum , jai and luke were asleep I tapped jai and luke And said "boys she is awake

They jumped up and said "hazel "and smiled .

Luke kissed her on the lips .

"Yay hazles back "and said

"What are you doing luke ?"I asked

"Beau she is my best friend and she just woke up from a coma I love her im alloud to kiss her"he said

"Okay im sorry"i said

"Plus she dumped you "he sais

"Because of fans , what makes you think she still wont get hate if she dates you ?"I asked

"Beau I didn't say I wanted to be her boyfriend !"he said

I teased him and said "yea but I bet you wanna fuck her , she is good you know  ."

He went red .

"I would like to fuck her "jai said

I looked at him and pulled a ergh face

"Whattt?" He said "ive already seen everyhing else on her gorgeous body "he said

"You two fancy hazel ."I said with a shocked face .

"I have for ages but I always put frendship first "luke said and I looked shocked

"Anything else you want  to tell me ?"I said

"Yeah "he said

"I kissed her when I saved her "he said

"Okay ha " I said

Hazles P.O.V

So I woke up and heard everything luke and jai said I went red I think .

So jai wants to fuck me so he will start flirting with me when i get out and beau knows that luke loves me .

But there was one problem I still loved beau and he still loved me ...

A few minutes later jai kissed me and whispered in my ear "I love you hazel , get well soon baby ....."

Then put his hand on my leg and started rubbing it .

Omg jai said baby and has just started rubbing my leg .

It felt wiered because I love beau , jai loves me .  Like ALOT , and luke loves me too .. 

Omg they are all gonna be flirting with me when I get out , what will I do , who will I choose ......

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