Kidnapped and ready to kill chapter 7

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Dylan's POV

After she left I turn to the guys.

"Should we tell her our plan tomorrow?" asked Oliver.

"Probably. And if she doesn't want to do it we will let her leave."

Jake and Blake frowned. "Why are you guys frowning." I asked.

"We like her. She's fun to hang out with and be ourselves. Not like most girls." explained Jake.

"Maybe if I bake her something she'll stay. She said most girls like it when guys cook." Blake said while wiggling his eyebrows.

For some reason this got me angry. Wait. Am I jealous? No I can't be I just met her.

"She's not going to like you just because you can cook." I told him.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows, "How do you know? Are you jealous she might want me?"

"No!" I said a little too quickly. I cleared my throat, "it's just she isn't going to fall for your charm like every other girl." I explained.

"Dude chill. I'm not going to ask her out. She seems more of a sister to me." Blake told me. For some reason that made me relax.

"Well I'm going to bed." I told them,"Night." As I was walking down the hall I stopped in front of her room. I opened the door just a little. She looked so peaceful when asleep. With her beautiful face snuggled in the covers.

Wait. Did I say beautiful. What's wrong with me?

I shut the door quietly and started towards my bed room. I got changed then got in bed. I was staring up at the ceiling thinking about Lindsey. When all of a sudden it came to me. My eyes widen with realization.

I like Lindsey....

And with that thought I drifted off to sleep.

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