Kidnapped and ready to kill. Chapter 1

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Lindsey POV

I was running. From the same people. Again.

I was running down an alleyway and I heard their footsteps behind me and I knew they were close.

You're probably wondering how I ended down here. Well let me start by telling you what happened this morning.


I was exiting my apartment so I could go to the bank to get money so I could pay the rent. As I was locking the door I heard someone say,

"Well, well, well isn't Lindsey White."

I stiffened slightly and I turned around.

There were two buff men behind me probably in their 30's, wherein all black and they had guns in their hands.

"Let me guess. You work with them?" I asked in a bored tone.

"You are correct. You see we are here to kill you so we can be on the bosses favorite list."

As he was saying this I started backing up to the window next to my apartment. Slowly I lifted it up, so they wouldn't notice.

"So would you like us to do this the hard way or the easy way?" One of the men asked.

I smirked, "The hard way." And with that I jumped out the window and landed on my feet perfectly. I looked up to see their shocked expressions before they started running down the stairs. I took that as my cue to start running. I started looking around for an exit when I saw the alleyway.

That's how I ended down here getting chased by two grown men.

I was looking for an exit when I saw a ladder that goes up to another apartment.

I looked back to see if they were close and when I didnt see them, I ran super fast to the ladder, jumped up, grabbed it with my hands and pulled my feet up.

I waited for them to walk by.

"Where did she go?" One of them asked.

"I don't know".The other said.

I waited until they were in front of me before I jump one of them grabbed the gun from his hands and aimed the gun at them.

"Found her." One of them muttered.

" You guys do know I have to kill you right? So I know you guys aren't going to kill me again?" I told them.

Fear crossed their eyes and before they could respond I shot them both in the head.

I hate killing people but it's the only way to survive. I looked down at my clothes to see it's covered in blood.

I groaned. Now I have to go back and change. But then I got excited because since they know where I live I get to disguise myself so no one knows me.

I walked happily to my room knowing who I should be.

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