Chapter 15: Bittersweet

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<Warning: Mentions of rape, it's like two or three lines, but still there.>

A ten year old Xelqua happily ran up to his dad, a sketch of a build clutched in his hands, "Dad! Look what I made!"

Xenagoras Void looked down at his son, red eyes uninterested in the young child's drawing, "That's great, why don't you go show it to your cousins?"

Xelqua deflated at his dads dismissal, "But, I wanted to show it to you..."

The older Void let out an irritated sigh, "You can show me it when you learn to follow in the family footsteps, until then you have to show your cousins your silly little drawings"

"But I don't want to fight!" cried the small dirty blond, eyes wide, "Fighting involves people getting hurt! And I don't want to hurt anyone!"

"Xelqua, we've been over this," hissed Xenagoras, a glare on his face, "Your going to be a fighter, like everyone else in this family! So stop being silly with your drawings and talk of taking care of the ill, your just wasting your time!"

"But Uncle Xavion isn't a fighter! And X and Xer aren't planning to be fighters either! So why must I be a fighter?" cried Xelqua, tears pricking at his eyes.

"Because you're my son, not my weak brothers!" roared the elder, slamming his hands on the table as he stood up, "And any son of mine is supposed to be a strong fighter! Not some stupid builder!"

"Buildings not stupid!" shouted Xelqua, tears finally falling, "Your the ones who's stupid!"

The young Void slammed his hands over his mouth as soon as the words left his mouth, eyes widening in fear as he looked up at his dad.

Xenagoras stood still, before his eyes darkened and a sneer formed on his face, "Get out"

"I'm so sorry Dad! I didn't mean what I sai-"

"I said, GET OUT!" roared the older dirty blond, red eyes blazing with fury, "And don't even think about coming back until you've learnt what your suppose to do!"

And Xelqua did exactly that, he ran out of the house, his drawing still clutched in his small hands. At first he thought about going to his Aunt and Uncle, but if they saw him with tears running down his face they'd just ask questions. So he instead ran to the kingdoms building team, they were nice and always comforted him when he was sad. And sure, they asked questions, but they didn't say anything to anyone.

Probably because they knew they'd lose to Xelqua's dad. You don't become the leader of the kingdom guard without being a fearsome warrior, and they were builders with little to no fighting skills. So all they could do was comfort the small child when he came to them, and silently murder the bastard.

To anyone else he looked like an ok father, but if you've ever talked about Xenagoras around Xelqua when the latter wasn't around you could see that that just wasn't the case. That man was a shitty father, no questions asked.

That bastard didn't comfort his son after...


After his child had been, used, for nicer words.

It was after that incident that the entire build guild of Archenstone lost all trust in the kingdom guards leader, just because they didn't do something you didn't like doesn't mean that it still wasn't your six year old kid!

"Kätzchen? What's wrong?" asked Lina Monster. The leader of the guild and the most protective of the young Void, practically seeing the child as her own.

"Dad yelled at me again," whispered Xelqua, going up to hug the creeper hybrid, "I just wanted to show him my build idea..."

"Don't mind him, you know he has no taste for building," comforted Lina, gently running her clawed hands through Xelqua's fluffy hair, "But we do, so is it ok for us to see your idea?"

The young child gave a shaky nod to the tall creeper hybrid, handing it to her.

And Lina was impressed by what she was seeing, it was a simple yet still detailed barn, "This is amazing! Your definitely one of us!"

"You really like it?" asked Xelqua, growing hopefully.

"I really love it," emphasized the brunette, a smile on her face, "But may I ask why you made a barn?"

"Well, I heard that Mrs. Faunar's barn got destroyed in the last raid, so I made a new one for her!" grinned Xelqua, but he then shrunk back a little, "Do you think she'll like it enough to allow you to build it?"

All of the present Archenstone members chuckled at this, that woman loved Xelqua so much their pretty sure she'd allow him to build one pillar as a barn and she'd allow it, "How about we go ask her? We have to get her permission to build it anyways"

"Wait, now?" asked the Void as he was picked up by Nielle, a teen guild member.

"Yes now!" laughed Nielle, their red hair bouncing lightly as they laughed.

Two other members followed them out, one of which was Lina and one of the Rajseck twins, Tobias Xelqua believed his name was, as they walked down the road that lead to the Faunar farm. And along the way they discussed what types of wood they could use that would fit with the rest of the farm, and they decided on spruce since it wasn't to dark whilst also not being to light.

And Mrs. Faunar loved it, just like they had predicted, and building started immediately. Xelqua was surprised when he was told he was allowed to help build, did they really trust him that much? He was a child whilst they were professionals, so why was he allowed to join in? And he ask as much to Lina.

"This is your build we're making," was her reply, "So we need you here to make sure it's done correctly. Plus, your one of us, and us Archenstone's build together!"

"You consider me a member of the guild?" asked Xelqua with wide eyes.

Tobias smiled down at the younger, "Of course we do, little Spitfire! We even have a spot reserved for you when you can officially join!"

The rest of the day was filled with laughter and smiles, Xenagoras Void long forgotten. They built until Xelqua grew tired, and they then decided to quit for the day. They took him to his Uncle and Aunts house, their excuse being that their house had been closer than Xelqua's dads house. Which wasn't a complete lie, but it also wasn't a complete truth either.

Lina, Nielle and Tobias all returned to the guilds HQ, pleased at being able to help the young one.

Oh, but little did they know of the events that would transpire just weeks later. If they only knew...

<>A little bit of Xelqua's past! I've had this idea for awhile now, and I'm happy to finally make it! The Q&A is still open, so please send in questions! You can still send in questions even if you've already asked one! :3 But that's all I have for now, so have a wonderful time everyone!<> 

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