Chapter 25: Hold it steady and don't miss

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Cub was the one who made the first move, swinging his backsword at Alastor's neck. The blonde swiftly blocked it with his scythe, the wood not breaking despite the force and sharpness of the other weapon. After blocking the attack Alastor pushed the diamond blade away and with a few quick movements he twisted the spear like weapon down to strike at the shorter's chest. Cub noticed (because who doesn't see a war scythe that's right in front of you swing at your chest?) and quickly blocked it, and since he wasn't one to waste time he pushed the attacking weapon away before swinging at Alastor. The wolf had no time to block the weapon and it connected with his arm, the wound quickly started to bleed and Alastor staggered away clutching the wound in his hand.

Cub smirked at his opponent, sharpness five hits hard when used right, example; Alastor right now, "Not so tough now, are we?" Taunted the Vex, sharp fanged teeth on full display.

"You hit me once in the arm," growled Alastor, his good hand (which didn't hold the weapon, his bad arm did) leaving the wound to dig around in his pockets, "It's pathetic that you brag about that"

"Anytime your hurt is a victory," hissed Cub, eyes narrowed, "And I celebrate my victories"

The blonde let out a low laugh, "So do I Cubby! But I make sure my opponents are down and out before celebrating, something you obviously don't consider," he then pulled his hand out of his pocket and threw down the splash potion of instant health he had retrieved, healing his wounded arm.

He took his scythe in the other hand and flexed his now heals arm. As good as new. Taking his weapon in both hands again he charged at Cub with unusually speed (of course the potion was mixed with speed, he was a potion master for heaven's sake!) and swung again, going straight for the head. But his attack was once again blocked, but not by a backsword, it was by a rapier.

Both Alastor and Cub turned to look up the rapier to see its owner, and there stood Scar with thundering eyes like a thousand storms. His face was contorted in fury, "I don't think so"

"Ah Scar! Good to see you again!" Said Alastor in an overly happy tone, "Me and Cub where just talking, why don't you go back to your little blocks and let the real men talk?"

Both Vex's glowered at the rude remark and swung at him, he leaped back to not only avoiding the attacks but to also give himself some distance. He grinned at their obvious anger, "Now now children, no need to attack. I was just joking!"

"It's not a joke if it's said to deliberately hurt someone's feelings," growled Scar, his own skin and eyes turning blue.

The wolf didn't answer and just attacked again, catching the other two off guard. Alastor usually quipped back when something like that was said so they were expecting him to do so now, that might be why he didn't do it. They retaliate and so an intense fight was on.

Around them their respective sides were fighting, Liz was fighting team ZIT, and the sorcerers where fighting the rest of the Hermits except a few. Mumbo, Iskall and EX where all facing of the person they had all promised to protect; Grian.

They softened their blows, not wishing to hurt him. But he went all out, teeth and claws out and swiping and striking at them. EX had already had to bring out his second saber as to properly protect himself from the dangerous whip like tail Grian now possessed. Mumbo was using his sword to block and push away the swiping claws, he didn't even try to fight fearing that he'd hurt Grian. Iskall was a little more aggressive treating this like a sparring match instead of a real battle. And it was safe to say Grian was a little pissed at them.

He swiped at Mumbo for the twentieth time, being blocked once more, "What are you doing?" Growled the dirty blond, eyes blazing, "Why aren't you taking this seriously? Am I not a worthy opponent or something?!"

"We're trying to not hurt you!" Cried Iskall, swinging at Grian's arm but being blocked and forcibly forced back by a giant wing, "And what happened to you? You disappear and now your here killing and attack people and looking like a dragon, what happened?"

"I was freed!" Shouted Grian, wings spreading out behind him. That plus his shouting drew everyone's attention to him, but their battles still continued, "I was freed from your lies and manipulations, so your little games are over now!" Growled the dragon hybrid eyes leaving the three before him, and the hurt and grief stricken faces of the three (and he just knew the Void also had the same face despite wearing a helmet and non see through visor) made something in him whipper but he just shook it off as old fake feelings, and focusing in on Xisuma. The admin was in a heated triple charge against Orion, his focus solely on the fight and not anything around himself other than that. His eyes narrowed, and his already slitted eyes grew even thinner, "And I want revenge"

EX followed his gaze, eyes eventually landing on his twin. He let out a gasp as his eyes widened, "You can't hurt him! He's done nothing!" Grian's attention was returned to him, and the small males head was cocked to the side. Seeing that the other wasn't going to attack, at least not at this moment, he continued, "I don't know what your talking about at all, what have we done to manipulate and lie to you?"

Grian pulled his head up straight, his teeth bared as he answered, "Don't act all innocent with me Void, you know exactly what you've done!" He took a deep breath before speaking up again, but this time his tone was more collected-rage instead of pure rage, "But if you want me to tell you all what you've done, I'll do so. You took my from my real friends, friends who a few are like family to me, you took my from my boyfriend-" a small horrified gasp left Iskall as tears gathered in Mumbo's eyes, but Grian continued on like nothing had happened, "-Not to mention your replaced all my horrible and torture filled memories of Death with happiness!"

The dirty blonds furious eyes bore into anyone his gaze would travel over, "That's what you've done to manipulate and lie to me"

A shocked silence filled the street, the Hermits not believing what they were hearing. Grian's team looked at him with sad eyes, the poor boys mind had been corrupted so horribly they didn't know how he'd ever free himself from it. But opposite to everyone else Alastor was smirking, everything was coming along so well! Grian was under their control, and the Hermits didn't wish to harm him. He was being the perfect little weapon! Those fake memories did wonders.

He then turned to look at Cub and Scar again, singling in on Cub. And he had the perfect scenario to make those Vex's pay for getting him banished from the Vex.

He dropped his war scythe, the weapon dissolving into the air before it could make contact with the ground, and pulled out his bow instead. He also took out a tipped arrow that he then aimed at Scar. He didn't really have anything against the hat wearing brunette, but he was the best way to hurt Cub.

He aimed for Scar's abdomen, and pulled back before releasing. The arrow soared through the air, heading straight for the unsuspecting Hermits midsection. But it never connected with its intended target.

Because it hit someone else.


<<I'm alive I swear! Sorry that it took so long to make this, I had to go through many variations of this before I was happy with it. But I thankfully know what to do for the next chapter so that's good!

I was thinking about making a book explaining all the chapter names at some point, I don't know when I'll do it but I was thinking maybe after the book is done or something. Or if you guys really want it I'll make it earlier.

That's all I have to say really, so have a wonderful time everyone!>> 

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